Friday, October 08, 2004


Experiment Postphoned. Reality established.

I say

From: Tay wei kiat

I'm a student from The Chinese High School and I've scored 10pts for my L1R5
for my prelim exams.

I'm rather interested in going to HCJC because I want to remain as part of
the Hwa Chong family. However, can I get in to HCJC with 10pts?

Also, I'm quite interesting in programming and intend to take computing during
my JC years. I can't seem to find the requirements for taking computing. Can
you help me?

Finally, I heard rumours that HCJC might be cancelling its computing subject
and there are only 11 students currently taking computing in HCJC. Is this

Then he say

Hi Wei Kiat

The computing subject will be continued regardless the number of students
taking the subject.

I suggested you to put Hwa Chong as first choice and see how we could help if

BTW Do you have special talent in Computing that I can help you in case you
need to appeal?


So i say

Mr Chia,

Well, what i do is not really related to academic, since there's no
computing in the O level subjects. However, i have 4 years experience
in Visual Basic & QBasic, basic html and basic javascript. I use VB
quite regularly, creating freewares for distribution on the net. The
most recent freeware i created was called "Noter Light". It is a
text/html/rich text/NCD(ncd is a special rich text format i created.
NCD file size are normally only 50% compared to when the same file is
saved in rich text format. There is also a feature that allows 2 users
to connect to each other via IP to chat, share files and edit or
create the same html or plain text document real time. You can get a
copy from or
take a look at the screenshot at I joined the TCHS
computer club when i was in sec3 (rather late) but I was accepted
because I'm almost the only person who uses Visual Basic in the club
as Visual Basic is considered a "non-competition" language.
However, I really do not know if this will help in appeal to go to
HCJC as these things are not "offical".

I also understand that Computing uses C++ (correct me if I am wrong).
Although I've yet try my hands on C++, I'm quite willing to learn. I
believe that having a foundation in Visual Basic will help me greatly
when I take computing in my JC years.

Thank you for your help.

And then he say

Hi Wei Kiat

I think you should not have any problem to study Computing in 'A' level as
majority of the syllabus is algorithm.

I suggest you to opt Hwa Chong as first choice of JC. I try my best to see how
to help you if you need to appeal once the posting result is released.


End of story. I'm going HCJC. Who's joining me? Haha. I'm so happy. Btw, Mr Chia is HCJC's IT Department HOD.

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