Thursday, October 07, 2004


Intelligence enhancement experiment. Stage 2. Subject is Tay wei kiat 16.5 years old male.

Extract from subject's diary

DeAr DaIrY

toDay In tHe sCHOoL scHOOL the Teacher tEacH mE How To usE The bIG ThE bIG leTtER AnD the smALL SmALL lEtTErS. i doN't sEe WHy Got BIG thE leTTERs And THE smAlL ThE leTterS but SHe tElL mE gOT Not sAMe kIND Of lEtTErs FoR nOT SamE kindS of usE aNd thAt I MUsT leaRn WHEn tO put The Big tHe lettEr and tHE smaLL The LettEr. BUt thEn i THInk I wILl NOT PUt tHe SMALl THE lETtEr and tHe big ThE leTTER In MY SAnDtence bEcos THE teaChER SaY CaNNOT Anyhow pUt the BiG THe aND tHE SmALl tHe lETTerS. YoU knoW WhaT is A SANdtEnce? MY teACHER SAy The sENdteNcE iS MaNY MANY woRdS TogeTheR And EnD WiTh A FooL StOP aND The FoOl StoP Is lIkE ThAt. you. sEe. THE. fooL. sTOP. iT. Is FUN. tO PuT...

anyway i will not play the the big the letters anymore. this is a dairy and a dairy is for me to put in the things that i got see and the sound that i got hear. i knoe that not many people can see and hear at the same time so i will wright down what i can see and got hear today.

today i go to the shop in the market and the shop got name and the name is the shop and save. but the things inside the shop very expansive and i buy a instent rice pack to try becos the photo on the pack very tasty. but then i go home and put in the hot and the water and the rice very bad and i don't like to eat so i put it in the rubtish bin. i will not buy the rice again becos rice not nice. i hate the rice.

then today the clever the yushu want me to do a music player for his one blog and then i say yes and then here i am waiting for the yushu to send me the song to put in.

other than the today happen this things and the nothing good happen already. so i think today very the boring and i wish the day after the today will be better becos i have the tution and the tution have girls and i want to find out the more the not same about the girl and the boy. i also want to ask the girl if her cancer painful and how come girl still can live so long. i think the cancer look very the nice to touch and i can ask her to let me touch. i am curous and i want to find out many many things about the people around me. today i got see what i under a girl her skirt and i think it is very the interesting becos i don't see anything the not same. she got wear the underwear and i cannot see much not the same. if the next time i see her then i ask her to take away the underwear for me to see. i don't knoe if she let me see or not.

ok today nothing to wright already. bye bye dairy.

Subject Status Feedback
-Shows initial interest in the opposite sex after 24hrs
-shows awareness of the difference between two sexes
-slight improvement in english
-ability to notice what is interesting and what is not

Recommended Actions
-Continue injection of PikoGraphicJumpism every four hours
-subject should continue to be under close observation
-sex education recommended

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