Tuesday, February 15, 2005



Reporter: I heard you have some interesting experiences during your long-awaited and much wanted PE lesson today. Am i right?
Me: Well, firstly, PE is not much wanted. Neither is it long awaited. But indeed, I have waited very long for MOE to cancel it.
Reporter: Alright alright... What did you do in PE today anyway?
Me: The more dull thing is that today, instead of doing those amazingly long distance runs that i have finally accustomed to, the teacher changed the content of the PE lesson to a Circuit Training, which to my horror, is much much much more tiring. Indeed, it was so tiring that I vomited on the concrete after the PE lesson.
Reporter: Oh gross!
Me: Luckily, i did not eat any breakfast, and therefore i only vomit out digestive juices, which consisted of acid. I won't be surprised if whatever i vomited out has brisk effervescence of colourless odourless gas that gives white precipate in limewater, while the concrete starts dissolving.
Reporter: IC, now what about the second experience?
Me: Well... its kinda embarrassing leh..
Reporter: Just tell!
Me: Alright, today during PE we have to do chin-ups, and before that we did the circuit training. During the circuit training, the extensive activities and training made my erm.. shorts and erm erm... underwear slide quite low and the top of my erm erm...Hrmpf... Buttock was exposed. However, due to the lenght of my shirt, this went unnoticed until the chin-ups. So off i went, doing chin-ups (with some difficulty and help) not knowing that the tuf-club gals(overweight gals) are somewhere behind me, staring at my butt. When the Suckingly stupidly shitty Shaun told me about it later, i can't do anything but feel embarrassed. what is more unwanted is his overwhelming urge to advertise my miseries, (something he is quite good at) making me that if I am given a powerful C4 bomb, i'll not use it the PE department as I orignally intended, but I'll use it on Shaun instead. It will be the only only fatal explosion singapore as seen for ages.
Reporter: Alright... I see that. I guess this makes very good material for my next issue of "If you are stupid and you know it..." I thank you for your cooperation. Good bye.
Me: Hey wait... I didn't know you are going the publish this!!!

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