Thursday, March 03, 2005


Wei Kiat is in love!

Wei Kiat is in love!
Reported by Reporter Robert

2nd of March marks the day where WeiKiat is no longer Single. After excuting his overwhelming arguing and convincing powers that he didn't know exist, he successfully convinced a girl to be his girlfriend!

He even tried to hold the girl's hand, and after many failed attempts where the girl's hand was too slippery and simply slipped from his hold, he finally succeeded. It was new experience for WeiKiat and his only comment about it was "Wow! That feels good!"

However, after awhile, WeiKiat feels that simply holding hands was not good enough. Therefore, he brought the whole experience to a new height when he began stroking the girl's finger with his thumb. Just a simple action produced such an unexpected result. Weikiat and his girlfriend refused to leave the bus they were sitting on even when it reached the interchange. They only alight when the bus driver parked the bus and was a about to lock up the bus.

What will happen later on? Only time will tell...

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