Sunday, April 17, 2005


Comp crashed!

-Curve Stretching
-Inverse Trigo Function (Lost my tutorial)
-Computing Calender Display
-Computing Practical Matrix Mutiplication
-Computing System Analyse Worksheet
-GP Article
-Tok to my gf on the phone (again)
-Tok to my gf on the phone (second round scheduled at 9.30pm)

Comp crashed
Was typing an ultra long entry just now when my comp crashed unexpectedly. Tried the recover post feature but it didn't work. So forget it le lah. Don't care liao. Basically, wrote that the reason i post homework i have to do here is for me to keep track of my undone homework as my brain does not hav so much capacity to store so much information on the homeworks i have to do and also i never use an organiser to record everything.. But really lor, my new Acer 3202 never crashed before. Its only like 3 months old. What the hell happened? Hope that it won't make a habit out of it.

Ok.. 9.30 now. Time for the phone call with my beloved.

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