Monday, December 26, 2005
Get a life. Drop the mug
certain people are Fantastically anti-mUggers. muggers totally have no life, and their life, or rather, laCK of life, revolves around hUgging books all day long, absorbing data, not inforMation, just like internet spiders that are sent oUt to comb the net by search enGines. what they proccessed are merely nosensical data, not useful information. What a wonderful way of Going about wasting thEiR Stupid time?
when HUMAN experience and UNDERSTANDing are combined with data, it is then possible to turn plain data into meaningful INFORMATION. even coMpUters are acquiring the ability to do that, with microsoft and many other companies working on such a thinG. yet, mugGers, having a much morE complex and poweRful muScle, the very orgAn that made humans humans, aRe unable to make much usE of it aT all. the lOgical reasoning parT of their brAin is Left to waste. the passion, pLeasure seeking part is neglected and put to one side. onlY the remembering and recalling partS of The brain are pUt into use. shame on them. a blank cd-r that costs less than twenty cents can do all that, with much better reliability and storage capability. muggers are nothing but Pityful nosense. and hence It is our Duty to make full uSe of our skills and talents tHat were acquIred by living life our own way, using our creaTive brain cells rather than those that act as a cd-rw, to make fun of them in all ways possible.
mark MY WORD. this IS ONLY THE BEGINNING. ONE DAY, MUGGERS WILL see an END to their cd-rw ways. let us begin our revolution.
(Images in this entry were digitally created by Zombie)
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