Thursday, January 05, 2006


Force Impulse Gundam

Progress. Another arm completed. Today's time table contain a freaking 3.5hrs of break. I guess there is no need to do hw at home. Do all in school can le. Finished Phy capacitance tutorial from sketch today without reading through the lecture notes first. I ponned the lecture on this topic held last year.

Discovered i have grown shorter by 2mm, yet the teacher refuse to round it up. Instead, he truncated the decimal point (when measured in cm) and recorded 169cm. PE teachers can be very good computing students.

Jun Zhe's bro, an ultra rebellious and intelligent kid in RI who flunk every subject and spoke so well in critising RI's through train program during an internal debate that all the students applauded him but he unfortunately lost because of teacher's intervention which however led to the prinicpal announcing a change in RI's Through Train policies during flag raising the next day didn't do his homework at all during the holidays and instead wrote an "essay" to slap into his teachers' face regarding the definition of "holiday" and work", a more extreme version of what i wrote previously and declaring that "Holiday homework" is an oxymoron and hence such a term cannot exist and left the teachers stunted in the face.

And i managed to write one full sentence on him whether you understand it or not.

One hell of an amazing guy.

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