Thursday, July 27, 2006


Rubbish GP Essay

What do you get when you throw in good vocab, bad usage, bad sentence structures, random game titles flawed logic and zero correct content? The highest GP grade for that topic in AJC! I wrote and got 31/50 for this topic, getting the highest in class. This girl got 37! But did she really deserve the 37? Click here find out. (comments added by me. May be inaccurate. I can't do a better job than GP teachers, can I?)

Some quotes:

Since the intention of computers and ingenious soft wares like Microsoft, the number of games for the computer is also inumerable.

...Playstations and XBOX...can be plugged into the computer

Games such as Warcraft allows the games to build an army to plot them against evil aliens that are out to destory earth.

Counterstrike, the gamer get to plan his army to save the earth too.

And the conclusion? (Whether gaming is a healthy pursit)
But the point here is that the intention is good, which is to sve people and eliminate the evil enemies.

Well done you. I guess my GP really sucked in AJC. I can't write this kind of essay.

You call that a GP essay?
they published that essay and distributed it as model for every jc2 ajcians.

guess tat's why our gp standard so low.
I can't believe they published the essay and distributed it as a model. Then again, I know of GP tutors in AJC who can't construct sentences that are grammatically correct.
The problem with this essay is not that it is inaccurate in its discription of computer games. I'll probably make the same mistakes if I wrote the essay.

The main problem is the way the essay is written in the first place. I mean, "to save people and eliminate the evil enemies"? What is that supposed to conclude? That game is healthy? I don't see the connection.

I'm only a J1 (J2 next year), but I believe this essay is less than a model example.
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