Wednesday, August 16, 2006


GP Lecture - NAG

I was driven off the note by its insistent nagging.
Also, the 1mark = 2min rule does not make sense. I'm afraid some AJCians may go ahead and happily take 2minutes to do those 1 mark question, while happily allocating 16 minutes for their AQ(You have to analyse the compre passages for 8 marks and write around 2 pages) or Summary. An impossible task. The department is teaching wrong things! Also, I distinctly remember some other teachers who taught summary skills at some other lectures talking about 30min for summary. Contradiction. Posted by Picasa

AJC teaches GP as if they're teaching Mathematics. Instead of advocating improving the fluency of the language through exposure to good English, they advocate 'content management' (score well by peppering the essay with as much as content as possible), time per mark, and not paying attention to the most basic grammatical rules.

English department? What English department?
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