Thursday, October 26, 2006


To Wee Wee

Stop trying to pass off "survival of the fittest" as the brutal truth in Singapore's society. I trust that most of us watch documentaries. In documentaries we observe the animal kingdom, where prey and predator relationship persisted. When we see a pack of wolf hunting deer, we notice that often the old and aged were caught and eaten, while the young and able-bodied were able to escape and survive.

Derek's point was regarding how Singaporeans over 40 years of age have difficulties finding employment. By using "survival of the fittest" as a counter argument to Derek's point, Shu Min was trying to imply that those who are over 40 are in fact too "old" or "unfit" to survive. Henceforth, they couldn't get a job, and its their own problem for being "old" or "unfit".

Her father, MP of AMK stood by her words. "[People are unable] to take the brutal truth and strong language," he said.

He supported the idea that it is indeed "survival of the fittest" in this society. To put it more crudely, he was trying to say that people over 40 are useless and therefore jobless, and that people cannot take this brutal truth. I look at MM Lee. He is still useful and actively serving Singapore at the age of 83. Of course people won't agree with Shu Wee that people over 40 are useless!

While the general government message regarding our aging population was to help them find employment and such, Shu Min and his dad were there whacking at people over 40.

I am very afraid Indeed. 22 years before I reach 40. I need to save up for my emigration to Switzerland.

Donations, anyone?

Essay: Life will kick you in the balls
To Wee Wee
Shu Min's Dad made an "Apology"
Wee Shu Min in the News!
Wee Shu Min's Apology
The Original Entry

Based on the father-and-daughter public pronounciation of their belief in the concept and principle of "Survival of the Fittest", MP Wee Siew Kim should now graciously step down from being an MP, because he has shown his weaknesses and as such becomes unfit to represent the people he and his daughter hold in such contempt and disgust.
I think of it this way, let say I'm 42 years old and just got retrenched recently, I am staying in AMK, I will really be an ass looking up my MP and ask him to help me find a job during meet the people session.

He will tell me the brutal truth... like Jack Nicholson in the movie "A few good man": "You want the truth?? You can't handle the truth!!" I hope he don't spew saliva on my face.

What do meet the people session do anyway?

But I sincerely hope that good people will stay in Singapore and make it a better place to live in rather than to migrate somewhere else.
Can our 'elite' think independently? Or are they just holding on to some concrete belief such as "survival of the fittest" rules the world?

Such views are not radical. Anyone can say it. We do not need an elite to tell us this. And we definitely have no need to read an essay full of inapt vocabulary.

A rubbish mind produces rubbish works. Elite can also be rubbish if they want to degrade themselves.
Author: That is not the point of the whole idea. Survival of the fittest is how the world works. It always is, no matter where you are. You think migrating out of singapore will give you a better life? Live on the dole in Germany or the welfare system in Britain? Dream on! I mean you have to prove your own worth! Why people about 40 are still doing well? because they had proven their worth! The people who would rant, i would say, are the people who are not willing to work hard to prove their abilities! Why are we losing our competitiveness? Because people arent willing to prove their worth. Survival of the fittest is true, but we should not view it as an intra-nation thing, but instead Singapore towards other countries. Only when people are willing to WORK HARD, then will we have a chance to edge over others! Think again.

Anyway, you won't want to migrate - be a second class citizen and live without pride? Sorry, not my cup of tea.
abit late but to juvenile hormone: you think youre a first class citizen here in singapore then? what then is your government, expats and foreign talent? demi-gods?

think again.
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