Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Dear Class of 05/06,
The Anderson Junior College Alumni Association (AJCAA) was officially established in March 2001, to promote friendship amongst AJC graduands as well as to build union with our alma mater. Over the last five years, the Alumni Association has organized many activities for our AJC graduands. For instance, we organized the Homecoming Dinner, the Night Cycling Expedition and the Flea market in 2001. In 2003, public performances such as ‘Chu Zhan 2003’ were staged successfully. In 2004, ‘Colours of Emotion 2004’ and the AJC 20th Anniversary Dinner received overwhelming response. In 2005, the AJC Dance Alumni staged the 'Qi' Dance performance while the AJCAA Exco organized the Tree Top Expedition, Pulau Ubin Adventure and started our very first AJCAA Bursary Award, which serves needy ex-AJCians studying at NUS, NTU or SMU. This year, the AJCAA did a Health Talk in February. The CO Alumni staged their cultural performance, 'Xian Xu Qin Yuan' while the CLDDs Alumni, 'Cha Dian 7, Wo Xin Zhong De Cai Hong' in August, not forgetting our annual and second AJCAA Bursary Award in late November.
Our Executive Committee is as follows:
The AJC Alumni Association Executive Committee 2006 – 7
- President: Ng Gek Hong Peggy
- Vice-President: Lau Kiat Meng (Marketing/ Funds Raising Committee Director)
- Honorary Secretary: Chu Siew Hwa
- Asst. Honorary Secretary: Koh Chee Kang
- Honorary Treasurer: Ong Han Wee (Marketing/ Funds Raising Committee Director)
- Asst. Honorary Treasurer: Kok Yi Ting (Recreations Committee Director)
- Members:
Tan Joy (College Events Director)
Teo Chun Yong (Special Projects Director)
Ting Siau Hui (Public Relations Director)
Whatever happened to year 2002? Cock up so no events?
Establishment of "AJCAA Bursary Award, which serves needy ex-AJCians studying at NUS, NTU or SMU"? The grand total of 1998 from the fund came from AJC Family Day, which according VP Tay was not organized with raising funds in mind. Hell, 2000++ of the proceeds went into paying for Uncle Ringo.
So I sent back a reply, since the message was sent manually (the sender email address was yuhong@singnet.)
Whatever happened to 2002? Nothing was conducted?
Alumni was established to seek funds from the school instead of contributing to the school?
So am i from class of 05 or 06?
Is there an option to unsubscribe from this mailing list?
And you guys know how much I love to revisit VP Tay's precious emails to me, and digging out insightful quotes?
Today's quote:
Remember the Sexuality Education issues , even if more than
90% of our students found the session useful and they have no issues...
I don't remember any survey being conducted, and even if it was conducted, how can a person who was conned know that he or she was conned?
Besides, unless you are a catholic or someone who knows about catholic beliefs (the former group definitely won't have any complains regarding the talk, and the later is rare in AJC mugging society), you definitely won't have problems with it.
Also, whether the talk is useful, or whether it broadcast truth are two different matter. I can say that a workshop filled with lies and misinformation is useful as it tells me how shallow other AJCians are and how the school care more about their reputation than providing students with proper education and information. In short, under VP Tay, AJC exists to win awards and reputation, not educate students.
it has aroused so much publicity on the presss
with the public giving their comments and questioning the college. It was
also mentioned by the MOE officials during meetings etc. It has created
quite a negative impact on the college and the school leaders.
Soon after, the Principal apologised to the students during one of the meetings insincerely, saying, other people have no problem with it, but if you are offended, then sorry lor. How about offering public apology? CNA happily reported that AJC is doing its part to educate its student sexuality, then this saga made CNA looks stupid. The earlier statement made by AJC regarding the workshop touching the values and heart of students is a lie. No apology. Lie and move on.
We can focus our energy and spend time on
more meaningful things than to answer to the press.
AJC won MOE's School Distinction Award.
Distinctive indeed. Distinctive disgusting. Totally unlike other colleges.
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