Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I am @ Youth.sg

Fellow blog readers, you may find the the title of this entry rather weird. Don't worry, its not because I went crazy all of a sudden. I'm using this entry to take part in a blogging competition by Youth.sg.
Things started simple.
Those $2 lockable diaries sold in my primary school's bookshop were everyone's favourite. Kind of lame, because all the locks and keys are the same.
Then came opendiary.com, the first online diary that aroused the interest of all my friends, although none of us could write more than 200 words in a composition at that time. Girls are irony machines. They lock their open diaries. And almost all the girls I know had an online diary.
By the time I enter secondary school, their (the girls') little footprints had already filled up the blogosphere. Blog had become a symbol of girls. Whenever someone ask if I own a blog, I would exclaim loudly, "What? Blog? Blogs are for sissys!"
But then I decided, heck. Blogs are good ways to attract girls too! Especially with my super-powerful-website-design skill and ability to kope javascript codes.
Then I spent a better part of two weeks trying to do really impressive things on my blog, stressing myself up so much that my creativity suffered a big setback. Looking back at my first month on the blogosphere, I noticed that the title of almost every entry ends with the word "day". How gay.
The number of "sian" I used in my first month of blogging is quite high too. So much that it seemed destined that my blog is going to just die, like many many others that lay dormant in the dept of cyberspace with only one entry to boast. And that entry often reads something like, "Test Entry! I'm new to blogger!"
Such blogs are often number one collector of spam.
Yet, things went uphill from there.
I started writing funny fictional stories on my blog, and my fellow juniors came for the entertainment. My blog became popular, and I became very happy.
After my O level examinations, I left my blog for Red Alert 2 and Diablo II. My juniors left me. Sometimes I have one visitor on my blog. Sometimes I have zero. The times when I have one are the times when I visit my blog to see if there is anyone visiting.
By a weird twist of fate I went to Anderson Junior College. Things were so fantastic and interesting that my blog exploded with entries.
It was then when I discovered the power of blogs. The power of blogging by a youth in SG. The way information flows from blogs to mainstream media, its amazing!
My blog got me on the newspaper.
Wah! I exclaimed when I saw that. Why never ask me then quote from me? What a wonderful surprise! Of course I don't mind Straits Times quoting from me. I stand by my words. My uncle supported me. And later my Vice-Principal gave me demerit points SECRETLY (my teacher told me about the SECRET demerit point SECRETLY).
Bad bad Jeremy the reporter. He owes me more than a lunch.
Strange enough, being a youth in SG, once you get onto the newspaper, you keep reappearing. This time for an online site I've created.
Overnight, I became a hero. The most chio girl in AJC asked my girlfriend if the guy in the newspaper is her boyfriend. Duh! Of course lah! I do my girlfriend proud :).
Enough of that excitement. Later people fame me for being too proud.
But seriously, blogging is a good way to hao lian about your achievements!
The above is a video of me collecting an award from the Vice Principal who SECRETLY gave me a demerit point.
Blogs are not just a new tool. It is part of life. Part of life @ Youth.sg
PS: I got my own camera in June last year. It was a 1.3MP kid hidding in a Hi-MD music player. 1.3MP only. I don't even dare show it to people. Because other people have the common misconception that lower MP cameras has lower quality. So I want to make use of this opportunity to tell other youths: Higher MP only imply larger sized photo, not better quality photos. Look at my photo album with photos taken using my 1.3MP camera.
Another reason why I want to talk about the camera now, which doesn't flow with the rest of this entry, is because while writing this entry, I kept alt-tabbing back to my webbrowser which is at Youth.SG to drool over the Canon Camera.
So please, let me win ok?
This entry had been chosen to be among the top 11 in a blogging competition. Do help me vote! To vote, email iam@youth.sg with the email header "i choose B2 - your name". Include your name, IC number and contact number too, because they are having a lucky draw for voters. Thanks alot!
Wei Kiat is in the top 11 for the Youth.SG blogging contest. Do show your support and vote for him here:
All the best dude!
Alvin from Youth.SG
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I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as memory becomes cheaper, the possibility of downloading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.
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I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory becomes cheaper, the possibility of copying our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.
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I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further innovates, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.
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