Thursday, January 04, 2007


the last release of carbon dioxide

It was another day for work for her. Life had been monotonous ever since she took that risk and set sailed for Singapore, the island of hope. She toiled under the sun, getting a lovely tan that would cause the envy females and Caucasians two decades later.

It was while working at the harbor lifting heavy descriptionless objects that she met him. Soon she decided he was her destiny and they would get married.

They got married.

And after enduring three painful labours, he passed away.

Life was bitter, but the smiles on the face of the little ones spurred her on, driving her to work harder for to give a better life to her offsprings. Being a single parent is not easy.

The little ones grew up and it is now impossible to call them little ones anymore. Her eldest son was finally of working age, and his income helped cushion the burden on her shoulder to support the family abit. Finally she was able to live an easier life.

Her eldest son died.

She felt like life was all over for her, and if not for the fact that she had two children to look after and support, she would have seek peace in the heavenly paradise. However, her motherly instinct was strong, and she preserved to provide the best for her children.

Her children finally grew up. They moved away from her when they found their life long love. After working so hard for her children, she was left behind, lonely and cold.

When her grandson came to this world she was overjoyed. She greatly offered to help look after the joyful baby.

The baby grew up.

When her grandson was an adult, he sent her to an old folk home.

By then life had almost completely left her. She was unresponsive and unable to move on her own.

And there she lies, on her death bed, quietly, alone, cold, abandoned, neglected, waiting and waiting, at the old age of 95, waiting for moment when life finally gives up on her, with the last release of carbon dioxide.

Outside the window, the world goes on.

(This entry is based on a real story, although some details have been altered.)

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