Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Aloha Loyang Chalet 0205
Arrived at Pasir Ris MRT at 2.30, together with Jing Guo. Slept only 6 hours the previous day, so was feeling very sleepy. Wait and wait for around an hour before everyone find their way here, and off we go to take bus 354 to downtown east.
The girls in my class are great cake makers. They made this:

Haha! Perhaps they can make cakes for sale during the next AJC Family day. Haha.
Then we procceed to walk to the Aloha Loyang. When i said walk, i really meant walk!!! Wah lao eh! Walk and walk donno how far then finally saw a gate to Aloha Loyang. My mood finally lifted first time that day, and then i saw a sign on the gate, "No entry except authorised vehicles! Really walk damn far very sian liao, even past by a bungalow with 2 snow white dogs which i barked at. Lucky the real entrance quite near. Then we find our way to our bungalow. But i quite sian our bungalow no stairs to come and no dog to bark at. But the chalet not bad, got big TV and nice design. Only the security sebei bo liao, like heck care lidat. We don't have key can also have more than one way of getting into the chalet.
Me and a few others went for a walk along the beach in search of a bike shop, but we were recalled back by the rest before we manage to reach the shop, which is damn far away. Later we walked out to downtown east to eat at burger king. I am not a king so i went food fair to eat. And then we walk back again. I pity my legs.
That night, i never sleep.

This is a picture of my bed, but i never sleep in it. At any given time, there are at least 2 to 4 other guys crowded on the beds in the 2 guys room. We played monopoly, but i was hastily abandoned when someone started playing on the PS2. So i spent the time taking turn to play PS2 GTA San Andrea, doing weird stunts using fat minivans and creating a riot by whacking everyone on the street. Later i also joined in to play some card game called piggy. It was fantastic fun, as i did not lose. Jing Guo and stella did so, and they had to do some interesting foreit, which was to feed each other gummy worms, courtesy of me. Feeding is too simple a task, of course. They have to do it a more exciting way. Pardon for the blurred pictures, as they kept moving and couldn't keep still.

The clock tick and tick. It was deeper into the night.

But i still can't find a bed to sleep in.
Later me, KY, Ani, RX and the girls gathered around a table, where i witness the longest card game of buff i ever saw. It was pure luck i never join in the game. If i had, i'll regret it for the rest of my life. Ani and KY started showing us some card tricks. I did some of mine but failed 2. :( Tried learning some basic card tricks techniques from KY, but my fingers are too stiff. Stupid me.
The sun came up and it was morning. I bathed and ate some scrambled super salty eggs by JC. He is a nice cook, although there are complains by various classmates of crispy bits in his eggs. No prize for guessing what those crispy bits are. I also ate my mini magi noodle.
Then came the most fun part. We took the shuttle bus from Aloha Loyang to Pasir Ris MRT (on which i managed to finally nap for 5 minutes). Then we took the mrt train.

After taking the mrt, we took a bus, then a boat. Then we reached Ubin. We rented our bike at a shop which says Bike Rental at $3 per day for $4. This is weird. Anyway, we had much fun circling. I was able to avoid any mishap and took upon all the slopes with my experienced but super rusty biking skill. There was one slope where i almost fall off, because of my faulty rear brake. I even removed my feet from the pedal and intended to jump off. Lucky mishap abandoned me and went on to JC, who fell down at another slope and had many cuts on his legs and hands, where blood and pus promptly exit. He enjoyed accidentally decorating my shorts with his blood and pus on the bus journey back. Anyway, i was quite pissed with my bike. The bicycle chain came off twice and i had to put them back, with some help from KY and JC. Of course, i did the dirty work, and my hands are super black from the lubricating oil. The second incident where the chain fall off happened right after i washed my hand. I was indeed pissed.
While carrying my bike through the side of a gate, my knee when crazy. The muscle there went haywire and it felt super duper tight when i move it. Lucky Jun Ze and his super biking female friend was there. Jun Ze attended to me. I have no idea what he was mumbling about my injury, some excess liquid build up and over exerting of muscle. No idea what he toking about. I only know that he did something to my leg which cause the pain to be so immense that i can't blend it at all. Then he did something else which does not seem to help. Then he ask me to push my bike with him accompanying me. It was then when something weird happen. As i walk, the pain slowly eased more and more until i was able to bike again. Jun Ze is not only the god of english. He is also the god of muscle injury.
After more slopes and mud and witnessing many near crash tricks by lagger and him repaying my laughter and worry for him by smashing me some muddy water when he stopped in the middle of a big puddle of muddy water, we arrived at Cek Jawa.

Most of us are fansinated by the crab like creatures living in the mangrove swamp.

Bin Zhao looked abit funny in that picture. He looks like he is urinating on the crab like creatures we were observing. Of course he didn't really do so.
I was almost expecting to see some cute mudskippers moving around, but didn't see any. :(
Later back at the chalet, we had BBQ, where i was quite pissed with some of my classmates. The girls cooked magi noodle for us, which we are supposed to only eay a bit and leave it for the other guys who were busy and also the girls. But many attacked like wolfs. I only ate a small bowl, and end up washing everyone's bowl. Then ZM start questioning the reliabilty of the cleaniness of the bowl i washed. So much for doing girls' job. I was not pissed at this time. But later when i need to wash a mug and jokingly ask her to do so for me(since she don't trust my washing), the girls gang up against me leh! So i have to lower my head and guai guai wash my own mug. During the first round of BBQ-ing, before the rain got too big for us to continue, many wer busy eating up all the food we were BBQing. I was holding up an umbrella so that the food won't be wet, while many are busy eating. Cheryl is the funniest, she kept coming over to the BBQ pit and take food for the girls. Like some DHL delivery service. I would like to say smth about Chong Song, since i don't think he will be reading my blog.
When he was there with us at the pit, he was extremely busy. He was always seen holding a plate and a fork in his hand, eating every batch of food that was ready. When KY ask him to bring a plate into the living room for the rest, he got confused and stunted for a while, then he bring the food in. 5minutes later, he came and ask me what to do with the food, as nobody seems to be eating. Of course, i know of what nasty thoughts he had in his mind, and said that there are many like me who haven't ate. After that he disappeared into the living room.
This is what i find when i enter the living room later.

Actually there was a few crabsticks and harshbrowns left, but i was a little afraid to eat too. Ani was using a PLASTIC fork on the grill. JC's butter brush is also PLASTIC. One protruding end of the fork is prefectly curved. I think this is due to melting, but he say its broken. I've never seen a plastic fork broke in a prefect curve before. I've suffered smelling toxi air produced by burnt plastic before, and i smelt the same thing while holding the umbrellas.
Anyway, the second round of BBQ was much better, because i'm now the bad guy and never help to BBQ liao. I just try to watch tv (I nv watch tv at home) and ate a few fishballs. I feel much happier this way. =D But i still feel abit bad because the rest were busy BBQing away

while i busy trying to relearn the skill of watching a tv programme, with RX pretending he is on tv.

The chalet end unoffically when most of us left without eating the chicken wings at 9.45 to board the 9.55 shuttle bus to the MRT station. The 10.55 shuttle was too late and we may not make it to the last train. On the train, i slpt soundly, the first time i did so for days.
Arrived at Pasir Ris MRT at 2.30, together with Jing Guo. Slept only 6 hours the previous day, so was feeling very sleepy. Wait and wait for around an hour before everyone find their way here, and off we go to take bus 354 to downtown east.
The girls in my class are great cake makers. They made this:

Haha! Perhaps they can make cakes for sale during the next AJC Family day. Haha.
Then we procceed to walk to the Aloha Loyang. When i said walk, i really meant walk!!! Wah lao eh! Walk and walk donno how far then finally saw a gate to Aloha Loyang. My mood finally lifted first time that day, and then i saw a sign on the gate, "No entry except authorised vehicles! Really walk damn far very sian liao, even past by a bungalow with 2 snow white dogs which i barked at. Lucky the real entrance quite near. Then we find our way to our bungalow. But i quite sian our bungalow no stairs to come and no dog to bark at. But the chalet not bad, got big TV and nice design. Only the security sebei bo liao, like heck care lidat. We don't have key can also have more than one way of getting into the chalet.
Me and a few others went for a walk along the beach in search of a bike shop, but we were recalled back by the rest before we manage to reach the shop, which is damn far away. Later we walked out to downtown east to eat at burger king. I am not a king so i went food fair to eat. And then we walk back again. I pity my legs.
That night, i never sleep.

This is a picture of my bed, but i never sleep in it. At any given time, there are at least 2 to 4 other guys crowded on the beds in the 2 guys room. We played monopoly, but i was hastily abandoned when someone started playing on the PS2. So i spent the time taking turn to play PS2 GTA San Andrea, doing weird stunts using fat minivans and creating a riot by whacking everyone on the street. Later i also joined in to play some card game called piggy. It was fantastic fun, as i did not lose. Jing Guo and stella did so, and they had to do some interesting foreit, which was to feed each other gummy worms, courtesy of me. Feeding is too simple a task, of course. They have to do it a more exciting way. Pardon for the blurred pictures, as they kept moving and couldn't keep still.

The clock tick and tick. It was deeper into the night.

But i still can't find a bed to sleep in.
Later me, KY, Ani, RX and the girls gathered around a table, where i witness the longest card game of buff i ever saw. It was pure luck i never join in the game. If i had, i'll regret it for the rest of my life. Ani and KY started showing us some card tricks. I did some of mine but failed 2. :( Tried learning some basic card tricks techniques from KY, but my fingers are too stiff. Stupid me.
The sun came up and it was morning. I bathed and ate some scrambled super salty eggs by JC. He is a nice cook, although there are complains by various classmates of crispy bits in his eggs. No prize for guessing what those crispy bits are. I also ate my mini magi noodle.
Then came the most fun part. We took the shuttle bus from Aloha Loyang to Pasir Ris MRT (on which i managed to finally nap for 5 minutes). Then we took the mrt train.

After taking the mrt, we took a bus, then a boat. Then we reached Ubin. We rented our bike at a shop which says Bike Rental at $3 per day for $4. This is weird. Anyway, we had much fun circling. I was able to avoid any mishap and took upon all the slopes with my experienced but super rusty biking skill. There was one slope where i almost fall off, because of my faulty rear brake. I even removed my feet from the pedal and intended to jump off. Lucky mishap abandoned me and went on to JC, who fell down at another slope and had many cuts on his legs and hands, where blood and pus promptly exit. He enjoyed accidentally decorating my shorts with his blood and pus on the bus journey back. Anyway, i was quite pissed with my bike. The bicycle chain came off twice and i had to put them back, with some help from KY and JC. Of course, i did the dirty work, and my hands are super black from the lubricating oil. The second incident where the chain fall off happened right after i washed my hand. I was indeed pissed.
While carrying my bike through the side of a gate, my knee when crazy. The muscle there went haywire and it felt super duper tight when i move it. Lucky Jun Ze and his super biking female friend was there. Jun Ze attended to me. I have no idea what he was mumbling about my injury, some excess liquid build up and over exerting of muscle. No idea what he toking about. I only know that he did something to my leg which cause the pain to be so immense that i can't blend it at all. Then he did something else which does not seem to help. Then he ask me to push my bike with him accompanying me. It was then when something weird happen. As i walk, the pain slowly eased more and more until i was able to bike again. Jun Ze is not only the god of english. He is also the god of muscle injury.
After more slopes and mud and witnessing many near crash tricks by lagger and him repaying my laughter and worry for him by smashing me some muddy water when he stopped in the middle of a big puddle of muddy water, we arrived at Cek Jawa.

Most of us are fansinated by the crab like creatures living in the mangrove swamp.

Bin Zhao looked abit funny in that picture. He looks like he is urinating on the crab like creatures we were observing. Of course he didn't really do so.
I was almost expecting to see some cute mudskippers moving around, but didn't see any. :(
Later back at the chalet, we had BBQ, where i was quite pissed with some of my classmates. The girls cooked magi noodle for us, which we are supposed to only eay a bit and leave it for the other guys who were busy and also the girls. But many attacked like wolfs. I only ate a small bowl, and end up washing everyone's bowl. Then ZM start questioning the reliabilty of the cleaniness of the bowl i washed. So much for doing girls' job. I was not pissed at this time. But later when i need to wash a mug and jokingly ask her to do so for me(since she don't trust my washing), the girls gang up against me leh! So i have to lower my head and guai guai wash my own mug. During the first round of BBQ-ing, before the rain got too big for us to continue, many wer busy eating up all the food we were BBQing. I was holding up an umbrella so that the food won't be wet, while many are busy eating. Cheryl is the funniest, she kept coming over to the BBQ pit and take food for the girls. Like some DHL delivery service. I would like to say smth about Chong Song, since i don't think he will be reading my blog.
When he was there with us at the pit, he was extremely busy. He was always seen holding a plate and a fork in his hand, eating every batch of food that was ready. When KY ask him to bring a plate into the living room for the rest, he got confused and stunted for a while, then he bring the food in. 5minutes later, he came and ask me what to do with the food, as nobody seems to be eating. Of course, i know of what nasty thoughts he had in his mind, and said that there are many like me who haven't ate. After that he disappeared into the living room.
This is what i find when i enter the living room later.

Actually there was a few crabsticks and harshbrowns left, but i was a little afraid to eat too. Ani was using a PLASTIC fork on the grill. JC's butter brush is also PLASTIC. One protruding end of the fork is prefectly curved. I think this is due to melting, but he say its broken. I've never seen a plastic fork broke in a prefect curve before. I've suffered smelling toxi air produced by burnt plastic before, and i smelt the same thing while holding the umbrellas.
Anyway, the second round of BBQ was much better, because i'm now the bad guy and never help to BBQ liao. I just try to watch tv (I nv watch tv at home) and ate a few fishballs. I feel much happier this way. =D But i still feel abit bad because the rest were busy BBQing away

while i busy trying to relearn the skill of watching a tv programme, with RX pretending he is on tv.

The chalet end unoffically when most of us left without eating the chicken wings at 9.45 to board the 9.55 shuttle bus to the MRT station. The 10.55 shuttle was too late and we may not make it to the last train. On the train, i slpt soundly, the first time i did so for days.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
To GEP or not to GEP? (Part2)
YOUR report gives the impression that GEP students are mentally unprepared for the curriculum and that students do not like being in the GEP.
(There are many kinds of people out there. Students are also people.)
Having just graduated from the GEP after three years, I beg to differ.
(There is no nid to beg. People are just different.)
I may not be the best student in my GEP centre, but I did not find the curriculum pressure-packed, and looking at the fun the students have, I doubt the others did either. Sure, we get our share of homework and projects, but nobody said life was a bed of roses.
(Well done you!)
The study noted that in Primary 6, we were "stereotyped and subjected to heckling and verbal abuse". Yes, we do get such things from mainstream Pri 6 students, but it's nothing we can't handle.
(Quite on the contrast, i personally respect GEP students! Well, most of them.)
You see, GEPers (as we call ourselves) are more mature than most mainstreamers, the result of being in the GEP. The mainstreamers think we are snobbish — when they stereotype us, they are being immature.
(This I do not feel to be true. You are only behaving mature because you felt you had to, since you are the top 1%, who is there to be more matured than anyone else other than yourself?)
When we prove ourselves able to handle the "bad press", we grow more mature.
(Wat toking u?)
Being in a specialised class lets us interact with people like us. I had to keep changing schools every year before I entered the GEP and I didn't have many good friends because I found my classmates to be immature.
(Social outcast)
But when I entered the GEP, I was impressed with my classmates and now we can't bear to part ways.
(The ship with all the social outcasts. Don't stick together ship sure sink.)
Unless someone is transferred out of the GEP, or changes schools, we have the same 52 or so classmates throughout the three years. This forces us to become good friends.
(How come 52? I thought small class?)
We were all mainstream students before the GEP. Most of us found it boring in mainstream classes, as we knew most of the curriculum and it was easy to get good grades. But when faced with someone at our own level, we step up our efforts to compete.
(I also find it easy to get good grades. I never get Band 2 in my primary sch life, And i also got expelled from TCHS and still score 9pts, while still enjoying my slacking.)
Sure, there are a few who can't cope, but they withdraw in the first or second year. My school saw only two withdrawals out of 52 people. At most, it is only in rare cases that "the club turns into a nightmare", as your report put it.
(There are indeed nice parents out there who care more about their child than their face.)
The GEP broadens our experience. Nobody minds if a girl mingles with a bunch of boys, or if she is interested in DotA, Final Fantasy VII or PS2 games. We accept each other.
(Thats nice and matured. Just like in JCs. I donno abt secondary cos i in TCHS guy sch one.)
Would we be able to do that in the mainstream, where everyone follows the trends or the person who is the "coolest", and everybody starts gossiping if anyone talks to someone of the opposite sex?
(Thats in the neigbourhood school, which i abit resent. Again, people are unique and i only resent some of them which shows particular traits. Other neigbourhood schoold students are plain nice. My gf is from a neigbourhood sch as well. =D)
Nobody except us, the GEPers, could know how much fun we have being in the GEP.
(I think you are trying to say that parents know nothing?)
So what is my stand? I have absolutely no idea. I only side with whoever who sounded correct in any particular paragraph.
To GEP or not to GEP? (Part1)
My personal thoughts about some letters.
IT WAS a proud day for me in 2001, when my wife handed me a letter from the Ministry of Education indicating that my eldest daughter had qualified for the GEP.
(take note, the first use of the word, proud)
She had gone through two qualifying rounds of tests and made it to the top 5 per cent of her cohort.
(being proud again, there is no actual need to emphasize the criteria for being in GEP. The test isn’t even fair in the first place. If the test is good, then yr daughters shouldn’t have problem coping. The purpose of GEP is to allow those who are much more intellectually capable to stretch their abilities. Failure to cope suggest the absence of any such capabilities.)
As parents, we were invited for a talk where we were given the VIP treatment and introduced to the GEP programme.
(See, vague suggestion of being “proud parents” again)
It is a world of small class sizes, specially trained teachers, exclusive facilities, enrichment programmes and an almost guaranteed pathway to the best secondary schools in Singapore.
(That’s the advertising sideline la..)
We were warned about the heavy schedule, but we felt our child could handle it — and anyway, how could we deprive our daughter of the chance to be in such an exclusive programme?
(Proud, overestimating their daughter)
Thus began our nightmare — a non-standard schedule that necessitated that my wife and I provide transportation to and from school, as she could no longer take the school bus.
(Oh.. so she’s GEP and she couldn’t figure how to use an ez-link card to take bus to school?)
While this was an inconvenience for us, what was more alarming was the fact that my daughter became the busiest person in the family.
(Your daughter is clearly exhibiting inability to cope, either time management, or workload.)
With long school hours, homework and project work forcing her to sleep at midnight almost daily and leaving her with little or no time for our family.
(Once again, inability to cope. Also, sleeping at midnight or having no time with family is a common between JC students. You better save a copy of your complain, next time your daughters go JC can also use, provided they didn’t break down before doing so.)
For a girl of her age, my daughter is very knowledgeable, computer savvy and has been exposed to many more non-academic subjects than students in the express stream.
(I only know that children now know how to use MS word, powerpoint, frontpage when they are in their primary school. This is so common. I don’t believe your daughter can be IT savvy like me. I’ve been learning computer since 4years old, even before windows 3.1 came out! I never hear my parents brag about me. Never.)
However, in trying to cope with the huge volume of work and the demands on her time, she has become impatient, demanding, argumentative, competitive and lacking in social skills.
(Inability to cope.)
We expressed our concerns to the teachers but were told that GEP students are like that.
(lousy teachers, or maybe too many students are wrongly enrolled into GEP so much that teachers are used to such symptons.)
We asked for a reduction in the volume of work, but the answer was that this programme was 20 years old and the approach had been proven effective.
(I feel that GEP is abit outdated. All kinds of syllabus keep changing, but i think GEP course nv change. What was effective then may not be so now.)
Advice from other GEP parents was to withdraw our daughter from the programme, but this was not an option, given the potential psychological impact on our daughter and on us as proud parents.
(Once again, telling us that you are proud your daughter's GEP status, and do not wish her to drop it, at the expense of her mental and physically well-being, so that you can brag and whine about the GEP program.)
She could cope — but at a price. And we could not imagine life as parents of a GEP dropout.
(See, once again you are concerned with your face, your ego, more than your child's welfare.)
In 2003, it was my youngest daughter's turn to take the GEP qualifying tests. We tried to dissuade her by pointing to her sister's miserable life.
(Why don't get her sister out of her miserable life? I know! One child in GEP is enuff to brag liao.)
It did not work; she also qualified and is now in the second year of the GEP.
(Hao lian la..)
Like her sister, she struggles to cope with the demands of the programme. Fortunately, as parents, we were better able to cope the second time round.
(Hao lian again! Got 2 GEP child! My sperm and her egg is top rated!!)
Now, when I meet parents who tell me that their child is in the GEP, I can't help but say to them: "A gifted student? Sorry to hear that."
(I'm sorry to hear that MOE has to take GEPers with ego parents like you.)
Things to bring for 0205 Chalet
-2 t-shirts
-1 shorts
-1 water bottle
-1 towel
-1 toothpaste
-1 toothbrush
-1 shampoo
-1 shower cream(borrow from ani)
-1 bag of gummy worm sweet
-5 magi instant boil in the cup small noodle
-1 I,robot vcd(hope can watch)
-1 Zathura vcd
-1 Skyhigh vcd
-1 creative 2.1 speaker set
-1 handphone
-1 torchlight (maybe)
-1 poker card
-1 whole stacks of MD wif all kinds of songs
-1 Sony Hi-MD player with spare battery pack
-1 insect repellet(i don't hav so much borrow)
-1 shorts
-1 water bottle
-1 towel
-1 toothpaste
-1 toothbrush
-1 shampoo
-1 shower cream(borrow from ani)
-1 bag of gummy worm sweet
-5 magi instant boil in the cup small noodle
-1 I,robot vcd(hope can watch)
-1 Zathura vcd
-1 Skyhigh vcd
-1 creative 2.1 speaker set
-1 handphone
-1 torchlight (maybe)
-1 poker card
-1 whole stacks of MD wif all kinds of songs
-1 Sony Hi-MD player with spare battery pack
-1 insect repellet(i don't hav so much borrow)
Saturday, November 26, 2005
New site feature
My website will now only present you the terms and condition page once every 2 weeks after u clicked the agree button.
My site should also save the section of the page where you last visited, and load it back when u visit again. For example, if you went to features page before you navigate to another site or close the window, my site will load back the homepage the next time you visit me. It will not load back the features page however; it only saves the section of my site you are in.
Enjoy! If you have any problem, please inform me.
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My site should also save the section of the page where you last visited, and load it back when u visit again. For example, if you went to features page before you navigate to another site or close the window, my site will load back the homepage the next time you visit me. It will not load back the features page however; it only saves the section of my site you are in.
Enjoy! If you have any problem, please inform me.
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Today go orchard see man in underwear and light decoration
Wah today first time go out with my girlfriend in the evening. Everytime go out with her scare reach home too late parents kpkb then everytime go out is go out in the morning one. The christmas coming here people say the decoration there quite nice so we also go there and see. So here are the pictures of the decoration. Indeed they are nice.

Then i think right infront of Taka got this man, he stand on top of a small platform, then pretend he is a clay man. He stand there whole body paint white and never move. And you know what he wear? He only wear underwear! Then you know what or not? Alot of people crowd around him take photo leh! Got man got woman got girl! All take his photo. This kind of man stand in orchard is called art. Alot of people interested and take photo. If this kind of man stand in hawker centre, it is called xiao xiao. Some even will say pervert. People see liao will call police come take him away one. So next time you want to wear only underwear let people see, must go orchard, cannot go hawker. I never take his photo. Because too disgusting. His belly like wrinkled lidat. Yucks.. See liao want to puke.

Then i think right infront of Taka got this man, he stand on top of a small platform, then pretend he is a clay man. He stand there whole body paint white and never move. And you know what he wear? He only wear underwear! Then you know what or not? Alot of people crowd around him take photo leh! Got man got woman got girl! All take his photo. This kind of man stand in orchard is called art. Alot of people interested and take photo. If this kind of man stand in hawker centre, it is called xiao xiao. Some even will say pervert. People see liao will call police come take him away one. So next time you want to wear only underwear let people see, must go orchard, cannot go hawker. I never take his photo. Because too disgusting. His belly like wrinkled lidat. Yucks.. See liao want to puke.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Today damn shiok leh! The entire holiday i wake up the latest leh! Wah lao eh, wake up that time the sun super bright liao, normally i wake up is see moon one. like 5 am like that. today i wake up open my eyes my eyes kana blinded by the sun leh! Then i look at my clock. Wah! I shock tio! 9.30am liao! Normally i wake up very early one la. But nevermind i today happy happy sleep until very song. So wake up nevermind. Last night i got stupid cough damn jialet leh! I lie on my bed close my eyes tired tired want to sleep. Then everything start becoming blur blur i going dreamland that time you know what happen or not? Wah lao eh! Suddenly i AHHHHHHH CHOOOOOO Damn loud leh! I think so loud until my indian upstairs neigbour big ugly dog also beisong me. Bark and bark. Then i no nid sleep liao lor!
But like that is nevermind one. I quite happy because i sleep enough. And then kana shock tio again! Shock shock shock! Everything also shock. Today damn exciting man. I got an sms from my girlfriend. Then she say something damn shocking so i.....(i shall not be recording this part here)
Finally shock and angry over liao. Later 12pm she come my house, and then we watch Zathura. Wah lao. The show super cheapskate leh. Like last time the jumaji lidat. Last time is animal one. Now is space and alien one. So bo liao. Cheapskate idea use and use. The audiences not sian meh? Lidat very good to earn leh. Lidat next time i everyday blog the same, only change a few names, then also will have people come here read my blog everyday read won't sian ah? Wah lao super cheapskate show. Waste my money.
Lucky i watch at cathay. Cathay very smart, only import a few more popular movies, then sell ticket 50cents cheaper. The other cinemas stupid stupid one. Want more people watch their movies then go and increase their price. Like i ask come my blog must ask you pay money lidat. If people like me go open cinema i sure make big big money then can call my blog The Kiat Blog, like the rich rich Mr Trump lidat, he call his blog The Trump Blog. Super ego man! Even the president of US never call his house the "Bushy House" la.. Wah lao.. trump sebei ego. Cannot tahan. But then i find him quite interesting and smart also. The things he say on his blog quite interesting. Like say the power of focus. I think focus very important. If you cannot focus your eyes than you cannot see anything far far away. Must see things far far away or to do any successful thing sure must focus. Don't focus cannot see. Like the camera lidat.
Then my friend sebei cool. He got this website Go there can read technology stuffs. Damn high tech leh. He everytime on his research blog tell me things i never know about. So i gain alot of knowlegde. This kind of knowledge i think more useful than school teach you what is cosine and what is tangent.
Today i also stupid. Ran into programmer's block. This name i invent one. Got people writers block, when their brain cannot think of any idea. How come i cannot programmer's block. Aiya. donno la.. i cannot think of anything to add to currently. But i think block here block there once in a while is ok one. Not like some people everyday also block. People with no ideas on their own. Stupid mugging people.
Today i also got talk to my last time friend. This time enemy. He very mug one. Not even like harddrive. Like flash drive lidat. Anyway today i talk to him, then anyhow talk cock to him then his response very funny. HAHAHA! I laugh until almost choke on my fruit juice. You want to see or not? Don't eat or drink anything now hor. I must learn be like gahmen. You eat or drink now i fine yo 500bucks ok? Hahaha.. lidat u will listen to me. Singapore people money more important than anything.
i am stupid:
how's your gf? says:
still mine lor says:
near 8 nths liao lor says:
i am stupid:
i am stupid:
you count months one ah
i am stupid:
(shake head) says:
slowly wait lor
i am stupid:
i am stupid:
mine is
i am stupid:
sure my future wife says:
u got gf liao?
i am stupid:
she's my wife
hahaha. he very liar one leh.. you know that girl ah, is not even his girlfriend la. You see for yourself.
i am stupid:
she's doesnt acknowledge me as her bf
i am stupid:
but we have gone pass the spiritual stage says:
i am stupid:
will think of each other now and then
You see? what is this? tok cock man! People not your girlfriend mah. Then you say she is your wife? HAHAHA!
Then he also very stupid one leh! says:
btw i making money from my site leh says:
u want take a lk? says:
hey i go make tea.. brb
i am stupid:
huh who in the right mind would give you money? says:
google lor says:
i make around 70++ US bucks liao says:
when reach 100 they send me check
hahaha! Actually I google until now only made around 4 bucks. He so easy believe leh.. Then after that ah.. he want to try to make friends in “high” place liao. This kind of people no backbone one leh!
i am stupid:
i am stupid:
maybe next time you become big boss
i am stupid:
can employ me says:
cannot says:
employ u play tennis ah
i am stupid:
i go teach your stuff to play tennis says:
... says:
no la says:
my graphic designer don't like sport one
i am stupid:
i am stupid:
then you can employ me to do sales says:
my gf gg smu study accounting
Haha.. I’ll never hire people lidat la.. hahaha.. Want to suck up to me izzit? I big boss? If I boss then company sure fall. All as slack and lazy as me one. Hahaha!
And then ah. He tell me this: “I aiming to go NUS.” Then I thought wah.. he not bad ah.. mug mug also got plan future. Not bad not bad. Then he say, “donno study wat leh” ah hahaha! Expected liao la! You hear before or not. Got people want to go a certain place then donno go there do what. I think next time he talk to me he will say he want to go to the toilet, but donno want to do what in the toilet. Hahaha! People got lidat stupid one meh.. want go somewhere donno go there do what?? Ultimate leh!
Ok la. My girlfriend say I sick, then cannot too late sleep. So I think I now go sleep. Sleep liao if cough again then I sure whack myself one. Stupid cough. Hahaha.. tonite sleep laugh at kao jun sure sleep happy and fast one. Hahaha!
But like that is nevermind one. I quite happy because i sleep enough. And then kana shock tio again! Shock shock shock! Everything also shock. Today damn exciting man. I got an sms from my girlfriend. Then she say something damn shocking so i.....(i shall not be recording this part here)
Finally shock and angry over liao. Later 12pm she come my house, and then we watch Zathura. Wah lao. The show super cheapskate leh. Like last time the jumaji lidat. Last time is animal one. Now is space and alien one. So bo liao. Cheapskate idea use and use. The audiences not sian meh? Lidat very good to earn leh. Lidat next time i everyday blog the same, only change a few names, then also will have people come here read my blog everyday read won't sian ah? Wah lao super cheapskate show. Waste my money.
Lucky i watch at cathay. Cathay very smart, only import a few more popular movies, then sell ticket 50cents cheaper. The other cinemas stupid stupid one. Want more people watch their movies then go and increase their price. Like i ask come my blog must ask you pay money lidat. If people like me go open cinema i sure make big big money then can call my blog The Kiat Blog, like the rich rich Mr Trump lidat, he call his blog The Trump Blog. Super ego man! Even the president of US never call his house the "Bushy House" la.. Wah lao.. trump sebei ego. Cannot tahan. But then i find him quite interesting and smart also. The things he say on his blog quite interesting. Like say the power of focus. I think focus very important. If you cannot focus your eyes than you cannot see anything far far away. Must see things far far away or to do any successful thing sure must focus. Don't focus cannot see. Like the camera lidat.
Then my friend sebei cool. He got this website Go there can read technology stuffs. Damn high tech leh. He everytime on his research blog tell me things i never know about. So i gain alot of knowlegde. This kind of knowledge i think more useful than school teach you what is cosine and what is tangent.
Today i also stupid. Ran into programmer's block. This name i invent one. Got people writers block, when their brain cannot think of any idea. How come i cannot programmer's block. Aiya. donno la.. i cannot think of anything to add to currently. But i think block here block there once in a while is ok one. Not like some people everyday also block. People with no ideas on their own. Stupid mugging people.
Today i also got talk to my last time friend. This time enemy. He very mug one. Not even like harddrive. Like flash drive lidat. Anyway today i talk to him, then anyhow talk cock to him then his response very funny. HAHAHA! I laugh until almost choke on my fruit juice. You want to see or not? Don't eat or drink anything now hor. I must learn be like gahmen. You eat or drink now i fine yo 500bucks ok? Hahaha.. lidat u will listen to me. Singapore people money more important than anything.
i am stupid:
how's your gf? says:
still mine lor says:
near 8 nths liao lor says:
i am stupid:
i am stupid:
you count months one ah
i am stupid:
(shake head) says:
slowly wait lor
i am stupid:
i am stupid:
mine is
i am stupid:
sure my future wife says:
u got gf liao?
i am stupid:
she's my wife
hahaha. he very liar one leh.. you know that girl ah, is not even his girlfriend la. You see for yourself.
i am stupid:
she's doesnt acknowledge me as her bf
i am stupid:
but we have gone pass the spiritual stage says:
i am stupid:
will think of each other now and then
You see? what is this? tok cock man! People not your girlfriend mah. Then you say she is your wife? HAHAHA!
Then he also very stupid one leh! says:
btw i making money from my site leh says:
u want take a lk? says:
hey i go make tea.. brb
i am stupid:
huh who in the right mind would give you money? says:
google lor says:
i make around 70++ US bucks liao says:
when reach 100 they send me check
hahaha! Actually I google until now only made around 4 bucks. He so easy believe leh.. Then after that ah.. he want to try to make friends in “high” place liao. This kind of people no backbone one leh!
i am stupid:
i am stupid:
maybe next time you become big boss
i am stupid:
can employ me says:
cannot says:
employ u play tennis ah
i am stupid:
i go teach your stuff to play tennis says:
... says:
no la says:
my graphic designer don't like sport one
i am stupid:
i am stupid:
then you can employ me to do sales says:
my gf gg smu study accounting
Haha.. I’ll never hire people lidat la.. hahaha.. Want to suck up to me izzit? I big boss? If I boss then company sure fall. All as slack and lazy as me one. Hahaha!
And then ah. He tell me this: “I aiming to go NUS.” Then I thought wah.. he not bad ah.. mug mug also got plan future. Not bad not bad. Then he say, “donno study wat leh” ah hahaha! Expected liao la! You hear before or not. Got people want to go a certain place then donno go there do what. I think next time he talk to me he will say he want to go to the toilet, but donno want to do what in the toilet. Hahaha! People got lidat stupid one meh.. want go somewhere donno go there do what?? Ultimate leh!
Ok la. My girlfriend say I sick, then cannot too late sleep. So I think I now go sleep. Sleep liao if cough again then I sure whack myself one. Stupid cough. Hahaha.. tonite sleep laugh at kao jun sure sleep happy and fast one. Hahaha!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
I am Ah Kiat
Wah lao eh… today was clearing my worksheet and dumping them into the rubbish chute.. everything has to go! FM, MC ,PHY ,CS! All the bloody hell worksheet that gave me so much hell this year will burn in hell! Enjoy the fiery of fire! Enjoy disintegrating into dust particles, dump on super large boats bound for some dumping sites and the water spraying all over you before you set off so as to prevent you from following into the ocean and continue causing trouble there.
Worksheets are nothing but trouble! So many beautiful and inspiring tree, strong matured trunks, house to a few million lives, cut down so that we can do our maths homework! This is just so human! Landslides, mudslides, whatever guai lan slides all happen and people all die. Global warming make the ice berg melt and some countries have to go for a swim. Why? WHY? WHY? All because the stupid teachers dump us a lot of homework. I think all teachers will go to hell man, or maybe stuck here in the mortal pane when they die, because their actions killed tones of life, but then ah, they also got help students develop ah..
Ya la.. all the stupid muggers, think they so clever lidat. Mug phy, mug bio mug chem! Mug and mug, tree cut and cut. Cut until no tree how? Mug liao everyone die mug also no use. Somemore they mug liao no use leh! Stupid mugger only noe how to memorise mah! Like the computer harddrive lidat! But of course la, they old fashion don’t noe what is harddrive. Why leh? You may ask. Aiyo.. you so stupid. Because textbook never teach mah? Chem where got harddrive? Maths where got harddrive? Bio where got harddrive? Only sex drive! The physic leh? Ya phy got screw driver! Also ah, they whole day know how to mug only mah, where got time to use the computer! Even got use computer is use to mug one… All the bones and fossils of long dead living things we all go and burn and use for what? To mug! Mug liao do what? Mug liao not creative brain gahmen have to find foreign talent. And then since u like to burn so much fossil fuel you find what job? Taxi driver of course! No wonder so many university graduate go drive taxi, then the taxi company anyhow also can open many many.
Actually, mug so much not bad one. So people mug liao can become smart one. But in order to mug liao become smart you have to be smart to mug first mah.. You see my school, ajc, also stupid lidat.. People all neigbourhood school only then they think they so smart can come jc then mug. Fuck off man! Go jc so easy la.. I play play play almost got expelled from my secondary school also leng leng can go jc! Wah! You guys really loser man! Those no brain muggers! Mug liao also don’t understand mug for what? Everyone lidat one leh. I ask them any question they say donno just mug. What mug? Mug ah mug! Mug liao can become container put coffee that mug at least not bad got purpose in life. Mug so much in the end donno do what. Score good good go university kana stuck donno what subject to take. Then in the end chose subject because the subject name sound nice, or because got more chio bu there can go and jio. This kind still better kind, at least mug liao can go university. The other kind all mug and mug liao kana stuck cos too old go poly throw face and cannot get into U. Then Singapore university don’t want you then act sei say you go oversea study. In the end go some no name university go there study hair cutting la! HAHAHA!
Wait la.. actually ah.. this kind still ok you know? Got worst kind meh? Worst and worst la! The parents brain got worm one leh. Young young that time say what want send the son to some oversea college to study because there study this crap one year here in Singapore study must 3 year! Ya ya! You got money then donate to charity let them scold you peanuts and buy golden tap lah! Send your good for nothing son who cannot survive in Singapore challenging educational system go other country. You think your son gifted ah? If gifted then gahmen auto give you good school liao. You no nid say here not good study so long go there study very short. Ya.. go there study short come back short of job. Who ask you go oversea no name school anyhow try to study things gifted people also learn 3 year you learn 1 year? Hahaha.. you come back got learn anything then tell me I treat you eat hor!
Aiya.. all this kind of people all I hate! All the no use no life people. Like their life only got one purpose is to mug then get the paper called certificate of muggishness and try to show off. I tell you crap k? You show me your certificate I laugh at you. Cos see the paper I noe you no life and the only purpose in your life is to cut down trees, pretend to be computer harddrive, eat and shit. Wah this kind of people more useless than even a mp3 player hor!
Still got some people ultimate leh! Everything also like to compare. Like become Singaporean then must live up to the kiasu name! I got girlfriend I tell him then he also immediately go and try to jio one. Got problem leh! Lucky the gal smart smart one, immediately turn him down say he joking only. That gal really very smart.
I think that actually now kiasu abit less liao but kia SUE a lot more leh! Anything also sue. On blog cannot say people bad things. Human for how many generations used to saying bad things about people behind people’s backside? High tech abit say on blog also kana sue! Then the stupid person who kana say bad thing also got problem. If you not so hopeless useless and hushandless how come people so on and brave go blog say you bad things? You must seriously reflect your own actions man, both of you!
And then next time I go ns ah, no nid come my blog hor! Becos ns is going to take up 2 years of my time and then I cannot talk about it on blog leh! Like ns not part of my life lidat. No such nosense la, they say, you want to blog about your life must get permission one! Just like little boys and girls in school go toilet must get permission from school lidat. So ok ah.. after my alevel I go ns no nid come here liao. Cos cannot blog. At most I blog a few poems to calm my tormented soul.
Now do everything also scare scare, donno when someone is going to sue your big backside. So I also cannot anyhow say leh.. I kia sue you know??
Ok la ok la.. say more then some stupid people out there can sue more.. so I say next time ok! Shsss! Don’t tell anyone ah… remember ah.. you come here read until here must have read the terms and conditions on the page leh:
You never read or don’t agree don’t dash in here ok? If you read liao then read blog then come and sue me I sue you back ok!! Sue until your pants drop leh! Hehehe!
Worksheets are nothing but trouble! So many beautiful and inspiring tree, strong matured trunks, house to a few million lives, cut down so that we can do our maths homework! This is just so human! Landslides, mudslides, whatever guai lan slides all happen and people all die. Global warming make the ice berg melt and some countries have to go for a swim. Why? WHY? WHY? All because the stupid teachers dump us a lot of homework. I think all teachers will go to hell man, or maybe stuck here in the mortal pane when they die, because their actions killed tones of life, but then ah, they also got help students develop ah..
Ya la.. all the stupid muggers, think they so clever lidat. Mug phy, mug bio mug chem! Mug and mug, tree cut and cut. Cut until no tree how? Mug liao everyone die mug also no use. Somemore they mug liao no use leh! Stupid mugger only noe how to memorise mah! Like the computer harddrive lidat! But of course la, they old fashion don’t noe what is harddrive. Why leh? You may ask. Aiyo.. you so stupid. Because textbook never teach mah? Chem where got harddrive? Maths where got harddrive? Bio where got harddrive? Only sex drive! The physic leh? Ya phy got screw driver! Also ah, they whole day know how to mug only mah, where got time to use the computer! Even got use computer is use to mug one… All the bones and fossils of long dead living things we all go and burn and use for what? To mug! Mug liao do what? Mug liao not creative brain gahmen have to find foreign talent. And then since u like to burn so much fossil fuel you find what job? Taxi driver of course! No wonder so many university graduate go drive taxi, then the taxi company anyhow also can open many many.
Actually, mug so much not bad one. So people mug liao can become smart one. But in order to mug liao become smart you have to be smart to mug first mah.. You see my school, ajc, also stupid lidat.. People all neigbourhood school only then they think they so smart can come jc then mug. Fuck off man! Go jc so easy la.. I play play play almost got expelled from my secondary school also leng leng can go jc! Wah! You guys really loser man! Those no brain muggers! Mug liao also don’t understand mug for what? Everyone lidat one leh. I ask them any question they say donno just mug. What mug? Mug ah mug! Mug liao can become container put coffee that mug at least not bad got purpose in life. Mug so much in the end donno do what. Score good good go university kana stuck donno what subject to take. Then in the end chose subject because the subject name sound nice, or because got more chio bu there can go and jio. This kind still better kind, at least mug liao can go university. The other kind all mug and mug liao kana stuck cos too old go poly throw face and cannot get into U. Then Singapore university don’t want you then act sei say you go oversea study. In the end go some no name university go there study hair cutting la! HAHAHA!
Wait la.. actually ah.. this kind still ok you know? Got worst kind meh? Worst and worst la! The parents brain got worm one leh. Young young that time say what want send the son to some oversea college to study because there study this crap one year here in Singapore study must 3 year! Ya ya! You got money then donate to charity let them scold you peanuts and buy golden tap lah! Send your good for nothing son who cannot survive in Singapore challenging educational system go other country. You think your son gifted ah? If gifted then gahmen auto give you good school liao. You no nid say here not good study so long go there study very short. Ya.. go there study short come back short of job. Who ask you go oversea no name school anyhow try to study things gifted people also learn 3 year you learn 1 year? Hahaha.. you come back got learn anything then tell me I treat you eat hor!
Aiya.. all this kind of people all I hate! All the no use no life people. Like their life only got one purpose is to mug then get the paper called certificate of muggishness and try to show off. I tell you crap k? You show me your certificate I laugh at you. Cos see the paper I noe you no life and the only purpose in your life is to cut down trees, pretend to be computer harddrive, eat and shit. Wah this kind of people more useless than even a mp3 player hor!
Still got some people ultimate leh! Everything also like to compare. Like become Singaporean then must live up to the kiasu name! I got girlfriend I tell him then he also immediately go and try to jio one. Got problem leh! Lucky the gal smart smart one, immediately turn him down say he joking only. That gal really very smart.
I think that actually now kiasu abit less liao but kia SUE a lot more leh! Anything also sue. On blog cannot say people bad things. Human for how many generations used to saying bad things about people behind people’s backside? High tech abit say on blog also kana sue! Then the stupid person who kana say bad thing also got problem. If you not so hopeless useless and hushandless how come people so on and brave go blog say you bad things? You must seriously reflect your own actions man, both of you!
And then next time I go ns ah, no nid come my blog hor! Becos ns is going to take up 2 years of my time and then I cannot talk about it on blog leh! Like ns not part of my life lidat. No such nosense la, they say, you want to blog about your life must get permission one! Just like little boys and girls in school go toilet must get permission from school lidat. So ok ah.. after my alevel I go ns no nid come here liao. Cos cannot blog. At most I blog a few poems to calm my tormented soul.
Now do everything also scare scare, donno when someone is going to sue your big backside. So I also cannot anyhow say leh.. I kia sue you know??
Ok la ok la.. say more then some stupid people out there can sue more.. so I say next time ok! Shsss! Don’t tell anyone ah… remember ah.. you come here read until here must have read the terms and conditions on the page leh:
You never read or don’t agree don’t dash in here ok? If you read liao then read blog then come and sue me I sue you back ok!! Sue until your pants drop leh! Hehehe!
Go! Freenet!
3. The importance of the Free flow of information
Freedom of speech, in most western cultures, is generally considered to be one of the most important rights any individual might have. Why is the freedom to share ideas and opinions so important? There are several ways to answer this question.
3.1 Communication is what makes us human
One of the most obvious differences between mankind and the rest of the animal kingdom is our ability to communicate sophisticated and abstract concepts. While we constantly discover that animal's communication ability is more sophisticated than previously assumed, it is unlikely that any other animal approaches our own level of ability in this area.
3.2 Knowledge is good
Most people, given the option of knowing something and not knowing something, will choose to have more information rather than less. Wars have been won and lost over who was better-informed. This is because being better-informed allows us to make better decisions, and generally improve our ability to survive and be successful.
3.3 Democracy assumes a well informed population
Many people today live under democratic governments, and those who don't, probably want to. Democracy is an answer to the question of how to create leaders, while preventing them from abusing that power. It achieves this by giving the population the power to regulate their government through voting, yet the ability to vote does not necessarily mean that you live in a democratic country. For a population to regulate their government effectively it must know what their government is doing, they must be well informed. It is a feedback loop, but this loop can be broken if the government has the power to control the information the population has access to.
4. Censorship and freedom
Everyone values their freedom, in fact, many consider it so important that they will die for it. People like to think that they are free to form and hold whatever opinions they like, particularly in western countries. Consider now that someone had the ability to control the information you have access to. This would give them the ability to manipulate your opinions by hiding some facts from you, by presenting you with lies and censoring anything that contradicted those lies. This is not some Orwellian fiction, it is standard practice for most western governments to lie to their populations, so much so, that people now take it for granted, despite the fact that this undermines the very democratic principles which justify the government's existence in the first place.
5. The solution
The only way to ensure that a democracy will remain effective is to ensure that the government cannot control its population's ability to share information, to communicate. So long as everything we see and hear is filtered, we are not truly free. Freenet's aim is to allow two or more people who wish to share information, to do so.
6. Isn't censorship sometimes necessary?
Of course no issue is black and white, and there are many who feel that censorship is a good thing in some circumstances. For example, in some European countries propagating information deemed to be racist is illegal. Governments seek to prevent people from advocating ideas which are deemed damaging to society. There are two answers to this however. The first is that you can't allow those in power to impose "good" censorship, without also enabling them to impose "bad" censorship. To impose any form of censorship a government must have the ability to monitor and thus restrict communication. There are already criticisms that the anti-racism censorship in many European countries is hampering legitimate historical analysis of events such as the second world war.
The second argument is that this "good" censorship is counter-productive even when it does not leak into other areas. For example, it is generally more effective when trying to persuade someone of something to present them with the arguments against it, and then answer those arguments. Unfortunately, preventing people from being aware of the often sophisticated arguments used by racists, makes them vulnerable to those arguments when they do eventually encounter them.
Of course the first argument is the stronger one, and would still hold-true even if you didn't accept the second. Basically, you either have censorship, or you don't. There is no middle-ground.
7. But why is anonymity necessary?
You cannot have freedom of speech without the option to remain anonymous. Most censorship is retrospective, it is generally much easier to curtail free speech by punishing those who exercise it afterward, rather than preventing them from doing it in the first place. The only way to prevent this is to remain anonymous. It is a common misconception that you cannot trust anonymous information. This is not necessarily true, using digital signatures people can create a secure anonymous pseudonym which, in time, people can learn to trust. Freenet incorporates a mechanism called "subspaces" to facilitate this.
8. And what of copyright?
Of course much of Freenet's publicity has centered around the issue of copyright, and thus I will speak to it briefly. The core problem with copyright is that enforcement of it requires monitoring of communications, and you cannot be guaranteed free speech if someone is monitoring everything you say. This is important, most people fail to see or address this point when debating the issue of copyright, so let me make it clear:
You cannot guarantee freedom of speech and enforce copyright law
It is for this reason that Freenet, a system designed to protect Freedom of Speech, must prevent enforcement of copyright.
9. But how will artists be rewarded for their work without copyright?
Firstly, even if copyright were the only way that artists could be rewarded for their work, then I would contend that freedom is more important than having professional artists (those who claim that we would have no art do not understand creativity: people will always create, it is a compulsion, the only question is whether they can do it for a living).
Secondly, it could be questioned whether copyright is effective even now. The music industry is one of the most vocally opposed to enhancements in communication technology, yet according to many of the artists who should be rewarded by copyright, it is failing to do so. Rather it has allowed middle-men to gain control over the mechanisms of distribution, to the detriment of both artists and the public.
10. Alternatives to Copyright
Fortunately it won't come to this. There are many alternative ways to reward artists. The simplest is voluntary payment. This is an extension of the patronage system which was frequently used to reward artists prior to copyright, where a wealthy person would fund an artist to allow them to create full-time. The Internet permits an interesting extension of this idea, where rather than having just one wealthy patron, you could have hundreds of thousands, contributing small amounts of money over the Internet.
We actually practice what we preach in this regard too, on the 15th of March 2001 the Freenet Project started taking donations, and within a week we had collected over $1000.
11. More sophisticated approaches: Fairshare
Of course some people ridicule this idea on the basis (I assume) that nobody would ever pay for something unless forced to do so (despite significant evidence to the contrary). While I disagree with their rather depressing outlook on humanity, there are more sophisticated mechanisms which do appeal to people's self-interest, such as "Fairshare", where people can buy in to artists much as a venture capitalist will buy into an idea they like, and if that artist is successful they will be rewarded in proportion to their original contribution. This has the nice effect of encouraging people to give more money to obscure artists who they believe have potential. If their investment doesn't pay-off, then they still have the satisfaction that they contributed to an artist whose work they enjoy.
Click for more
Freedom of speech, in most western cultures, is generally considered to be one of the most important rights any individual might have. Why is the freedom to share ideas and opinions so important? There are several ways to answer this question.
3.1 Communication is what makes us human
One of the most obvious differences between mankind and the rest of the animal kingdom is our ability to communicate sophisticated and abstract concepts. While we constantly discover that animal's communication ability is more sophisticated than previously assumed, it is unlikely that any other animal approaches our own level of ability in this area.
3.2 Knowledge is good
Most people, given the option of knowing something and not knowing something, will choose to have more information rather than less. Wars have been won and lost over who was better-informed. This is because being better-informed allows us to make better decisions, and generally improve our ability to survive and be successful.
3.3 Democracy assumes a well informed population
Many people today live under democratic governments, and those who don't, probably want to. Democracy is an answer to the question of how to create leaders, while preventing them from abusing that power. It achieves this by giving the population the power to regulate their government through voting, yet the ability to vote does not necessarily mean that you live in a democratic country. For a population to regulate their government effectively it must know what their government is doing, they must be well informed. It is a feedback loop, but this loop can be broken if the government has the power to control the information the population has access to.
4. Censorship and freedom
Everyone values their freedom, in fact, many consider it so important that they will die for it. People like to think that they are free to form and hold whatever opinions they like, particularly in western countries. Consider now that someone had the ability to control the information you have access to. This would give them the ability to manipulate your opinions by hiding some facts from you, by presenting you with lies and censoring anything that contradicted those lies. This is not some Orwellian fiction, it is standard practice for most western governments to lie to their populations, so much so, that people now take it for granted, despite the fact that this undermines the very democratic principles which justify the government's existence in the first place.
5. The solution
The only way to ensure that a democracy will remain effective is to ensure that the government cannot control its population's ability to share information, to communicate. So long as everything we see and hear is filtered, we are not truly free. Freenet's aim is to allow two or more people who wish to share information, to do so.
6. Isn't censorship sometimes necessary?
Of course no issue is black and white, and there are many who feel that censorship is a good thing in some circumstances. For example, in some European countries propagating information deemed to be racist is illegal. Governments seek to prevent people from advocating ideas which are deemed damaging to society. There are two answers to this however. The first is that you can't allow those in power to impose "good" censorship, without also enabling them to impose "bad" censorship. To impose any form of censorship a government must have the ability to monitor and thus restrict communication. There are already criticisms that the anti-racism censorship in many European countries is hampering legitimate historical analysis of events such as the second world war.
The second argument is that this "good" censorship is counter-productive even when it does not leak into other areas. For example, it is generally more effective when trying to persuade someone of something to present them with the arguments against it, and then answer those arguments. Unfortunately, preventing people from being aware of the often sophisticated arguments used by racists, makes them vulnerable to those arguments when they do eventually encounter them.
Of course the first argument is the stronger one, and would still hold-true even if you didn't accept the second. Basically, you either have censorship, or you don't. There is no middle-ground.
7. But why is anonymity necessary?
You cannot have freedom of speech without the option to remain anonymous. Most censorship is retrospective, it is generally much easier to curtail free speech by punishing those who exercise it afterward, rather than preventing them from doing it in the first place. The only way to prevent this is to remain anonymous. It is a common misconception that you cannot trust anonymous information. This is not necessarily true, using digital signatures people can create a secure anonymous pseudonym which, in time, people can learn to trust. Freenet incorporates a mechanism called "subspaces" to facilitate this.
8. And what of copyright?
Of course much of Freenet's publicity has centered around the issue of copyright, and thus I will speak to it briefly. The core problem with copyright is that enforcement of it requires monitoring of communications, and you cannot be guaranteed free speech if someone is monitoring everything you say. This is important, most people fail to see or address this point when debating the issue of copyright, so let me make it clear:
You cannot guarantee freedom of speech and enforce copyright law
It is for this reason that Freenet, a system designed to protect Freedom of Speech, must prevent enforcement of copyright.
9. But how will artists be rewarded for their work without copyright?
Firstly, even if copyright were the only way that artists could be rewarded for their work, then I would contend that freedom is more important than having professional artists (those who claim that we would have no art do not understand creativity: people will always create, it is a compulsion, the only question is whether they can do it for a living).
Secondly, it could be questioned whether copyright is effective even now. The music industry is one of the most vocally opposed to enhancements in communication technology, yet according to many of the artists who should be rewarded by copyright, it is failing to do so. Rather it has allowed middle-men to gain control over the mechanisms of distribution, to the detriment of both artists and the public.
10. Alternatives to Copyright
Fortunately it won't come to this. There are many alternative ways to reward artists. The simplest is voluntary payment. This is an extension of the patronage system which was frequently used to reward artists prior to copyright, where a wealthy person would fund an artist to allow them to create full-time. The Internet permits an interesting extension of this idea, where rather than having just one wealthy patron, you could have hundreds of thousands, contributing small amounts of money over the Internet.
We actually practice what we preach in this regard too, on the 15th of March 2001 the Freenet Project started taking donations, and within a week we had collected over $1000.
11. More sophisticated approaches: Fairshare
Of course some people ridicule this idea on the basis (I assume) that nobody would ever pay for something unless forced to do so (despite significant evidence to the contrary). While I disagree with their rather depressing outlook on humanity, there are more sophisticated mechanisms which do appeal to people's self-interest, such as "Fairshare", where people can buy in to artists much as a venture capitalist will buy into an idea they like, and if that artist is successful they will be rewarded in proportion to their original contribution. This has the nice effect of encouraging people to give more money to obscure artists who they believe have potential. If their investment doesn't pay-off, then they still have the satisfaction that they contributed to an artist whose work they enjoy.
Click for more
Sunday, November 20, 2005
BBQ/Steamboat Pictures
CDP Pictures
My Super Good and Exp Earphone's rotten cable.

Well for some reason the insulation on my wire on my earphone kind of rot.... This is not my problem. Many users experience this problem too. So the pissed off me attempt to fix it...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Google Ads
Certain selected sites are infested with google ads now. But fear not, its not because this webpage was hacked, but rather, i included them purposely. They are place at the bottom of most pages so that it does not obstruct your browsing experience.
Hopefully i can gain some revenue. =D
Hopefully i can gain some revenue. =D
Sorry la..
My gf ah… really sorry for seemingly to neglect you while I go out with my classmates and stuffs. You know, I may not be there to sms you or be physically with you at times, my heart is always with you. Never once did I stop thinking of you, be it reading book, listening to songs, eating food and so on. Every actions or activities that I participate in will only remind me of the time when I did those activities with you. I truly missed and love you. Don’t be sad la…
Hope you will smile when u read this. I love looking at smiles.
Hope you will smile when u read this. I love looking at smiles.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

You go out of your way to build bridges with people of different views and beliefs and have quite a few religious friends. You believe in the essential goodness of people , which means you’re always looking for common ground even if that entails compromises. You would defend Salman Rushdie’s right to criticise Islam but you’re sorry he attacked it so viciously, just as you feel uncomfortable with some of the more outspoken and unkind views of religion in the pages of this magazine.
You prefer the inclusive approach of writers like Zadie Smith or the radical Christian values of Edward Said. Don’t fall into the same trap as super–naïve Lib Dem MP Jenny Tonge who declared it was okay for clerics like Yusuf al–Qaradawi to justify their monstrous prejudices as a legitimate interpretation of the Koran: a perfect example of how the will to understand can mean the sacrifice of fundamental principles. Sometimes, you just have to hold out for what you know is right even if it hurts someone’s feelings.
What kind of humanist are you? Click here to find out.
It is good to hear from people of different religion. Their similarities and differences in culture and practices are interesting.
Yeah. I don't care whether you will feel sad or not. As long as someone do something which i deem is wrong, i'll report it. I still believe it is for your own good.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Notepad.NET Features

-Multiple Text Clipboard
-File manipulation (Rename, delete, clone within the program)
-Text manipulation (RaNDoMIzE cAsE, to upper case, to lower case, reduce redundant spaces and lines, join into one line, etc)
-Creative address bar and refresh file concept
-Word count
-Byte count
-can open up to 1GB of file, instead of normal notepad only 64kb
-highly customible officexp-ish interface
-small size
-Insert date and time in all kinds of format
-Ability to clear text, clipboard or undo stack
-Ability to stop all processing within the program at any time.
Do try it! Refer to my previous post for more details.
Stupid CDP Program
Major Problems
-Instructions not given clearly, there are all sorts of cheating during the Newspaper Game, some group leaders are even instructed to be tied with the rest of their group members, while other instructors instruct otherwise.
-Game not balanced. Imagine walking from MPH to second storey of block 11, with 13 people's feet tied together using weak newspapers and given the rule not to break them. Well, its an impossible task. Those of us who kana newspaper game as the first round will have to endure that. However, those who kana newspaper round as the last station will only have to crawl from mph to audi, a far shorter and easier path. Besides, the other 2 stations take only less than 10minutes each. They are surely at an advantage. Lousy game planning
-Leadership training? Its more like playing with your classmate, rather than doing anything serious.
-Character developement? Hello... these games develope nothing but the probability of blinded people falling down th stairs.
-Cheapskate. Items for the activites we have to bring ourself, otherwise we will be disqualified? What shit is this?
-Mr Sissy SK. Talks like some salesman, constantly giving me a sense of Deja Vu by repeating stuffs over and over again
-Bad management. Do you know that a team who made in to the matrix did not manage to take part because another team cheated and "chopped" their place? And when SK was informed about this, he told that poor team to go and discover which team shouldn't belong there, themselves, giving the poor team no help or whatever, while he continue cocking about leadership and carrying on with the game without them. He even overlooked another team which everyone was present and raising their hand, and moved on to the next team, while calling out the 16best teams. 2 teams are deprived of the matrix.
I had some fun, yes, becoming a repairman. But its a job i'm sure i won't take up next time. Haha.. alright. Have fun guys. 0205 rocks!
-Instructions not given clearly, there are all sorts of cheating during the Newspaper Game, some group leaders are even instructed to be tied with the rest of their group members, while other instructors instruct otherwise.
-Game not balanced. Imagine walking from MPH to second storey of block 11, with 13 people's feet tied together using weak newspapers and given the rule not to break them. Well, its an impossible task. Those of us who kana newspaper game as the first round will have to endure that. However, those who kana newspaper round as the last station will only have to crawl from mph to audi, a far shorter and easier path. Besides, the other 2 stations take only less than 10minutes each. They are surely at an advantage. Lousy game planning
-Leadership training? Its more like playing with your classmate, rather than doing anything serious.
-Character developement? Hello... these games develope nothing but the probability of blinded people falling down th stairs.
-Cheapskate. Items for the activites we have to bring ourself, otherwise we will be disqualified? What shit is this?
-Mr Sissy SK. Talks like some salesman, constantly giving me a sense of Deja Vu by repeating stuffs over and over again
-Bad management. Do you know that a team who made in to the matrix did not manage to take part because another team cheated and "chopped" their place? And when SK was informed about this, he told that poor team to go and discover which team shouldn't belong there, themselves, giving the poor team no help or whatever, while he continue cocking about leadership and carrying on with the game without them. He even overlooked another team which everyone was present and raising their hand, and moved on to the next team, while calling out the 16best teams. 2 teams are deprived of the matrix.
I had some fun, yes, becoming a repairman. But its a job i'm sure i won't take up next time. Haha.. alright. Have fun guys. 0205 rocks!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
To Zombie
without you, the life of those around you will be less exciting, fun and fulfilling. Without u, elvin will flunk. without you, i'm not that much of an audiophile, without you, i won't have so much pirated stuffs to have fun with. Without you, cxtreme will be alot quieter. Without you tsum lum will be burdened with more work, without you to take up the space in VS, some undesirable person will get in.
I'm really sory about the "back-stabbing", but yr existence is pretty much important to those around you, especially those who appreicate.
Your enemies will know about their weakness, while your friends will know about their strength.
Being depressed is the last thing you can do to your life.
You arrived in this world crying. Do you want to leave this world crying too?
If so, then what is your purpose? You have never really lived, since you leave the same way you arrive.
Instead, cherish the moment, no matter how same each moment is, there are unique difference, as long as you are observant enough. These differences occurs only once in your life; for life is random.
Give yourself a goal, a purpose in life, and when the time is up, u'll leave the world with a smile, satistified that you have done what you set out to do.
You hate muggers. Do you want to live like them? With intangible and infeasible goals.
Ask them.
"You want to do well? So wat? You think you can be lawyer? Doctor? Just because you take bio? Are you really motivated enough to make that field your purpose in life?"
Most likely, they will be stumped for words. Seldom do we come across people who really know what they are after.
People like the mysterious KAO only follows what his mother instructs him to do, like a robot, carrying out duties, doing things, without thinking, without purpose. What then is the point of working so hard? Is there something you really can get out of all these?
There's a reason i heck about my studies, and concentrate on having fun, enjoying myself and go into art of programming. I do not want to live my life by doing what others want of me. Other people should spend time managing their own life, and should not care about mine. Its my right to live my life my own way. Life is priceless. Do not allow others to steal it from you.
There is a reason why i admire comp guys now. I see the drive in myself, as well as them. The drive to make it the purpose of their life, and the motivation to carry it through their lives. How many of the muggers are able to do just that?
Ya ya.. some mugger say, my goal is to go to so and so university. So what? If good universities are that important, Bill Gates would be Bill Dead now.
To me, all those who do computers, no matter how nerdy they may seem, are much more remarkable than those muggers out there. Muggers have no life. Geeks have 2 lives. One in reality, one in the cyber world. However, some are too concerned about their cuber life and forgot about reality. I myself was almost going that way until i meet my dear si hui who open my eyes for me.
When Zombie told me that he programs for the fun of it, i know that he is similar to me, in a way. The drive is there, the motivation is there. Prehaps he lack the will to carry it through, the resolution to improve himself.
I was once a social reject, yes, i'm totally ashamed of it. yet i'm doing significantly well now. I tried very hard to fit in, there this is the result i get.
Maybe Zombie can stop protraying himself negatively, be more normal, speak less loudly, be more observant about others facial expression to infer how they feel about you, and so on..
With that said, i shall conclude that it is your life, and be not affected by what others think about you but how you affect yourself. Dwelling on your misery never help. Thinking about it all the time never help. Think of happier times. No, don't tell me you have never experience happiness before. And soon, life will seems brighter, because you feel that it is so, and become brighter, because you make it so.
i shall now return to watching the movie, cats and dogs.
I'm really sory about the "back-stabbing", but yr existence is pretty much important to those around you, especially those who appreicate.
Your enemies will know about their weakness, while your friends will know about their strength.
Being depressed is the last thing you can do to your life.
You arrived in this world crying. Do you want to leave this world crying too?
If so, then what is your purpose? You have never really lived, since you leave the same way you arrive.
Instead, cherish the moment, no matter how same each moment is, there are unique difference, as long as you are observant enough. These differences occurs only once in your life; for life is random.
Give yourself a goal, a purpose in life, and when the time is up, u'll leave the world with a smile, satistified that you have done what you set out to do.
You hate muggers. Do you want to live like them? With intangible and infeasible goals.
Ask them.
"You want to do well? So wat? You think you can be lawyer? Doctor? Just because you take bio? Are you really motivated enough to make that field your purpose in life?"
Most likely, they will be stumped for words. Seldom do we come across people who really know what they are after.
People like the mysterious KAO only follows what his mother instructs him to do, like a robot, carrying out duties, doing things, without thinking, without purpose. What then is the point of working so hard? Is there something you really can get out of all these?
There's a reason i heck about my studies, and concentrate on having fun, enjoying myself and go into art of programming. I do not want to live my life by doing what others want of me. Other people should spend time managing their own life, and should not care about mine. Its my right to live my life my own way. Life is priceless. Do not allow others to steal it from you.
There is a reason why i admire comp guys now. I see the drive in myself, as well as them. The drive to make it the purpose of their life, and the motivation to carry it through their lives. How many of the muggers are able to do just that?
Ya ya.. some mugger say, my goal is to go to so and so university. So what? If good universities are that important, Bill Gates would be Bill Dead now.
To me, all those who do computers, no matter how nerdy they may seem, are much more remarkable than those muggers out there. Muggers have no life. Geeks have 2 lives. One in reality, one in the cyber world. However, some are too concerned about their cuber life and forgot about reality. I myself was almost going that way until i meet my dear si hui who open my eyes for me.
When Zombie told me that he programs for the fun of it, i know that he is similar to me, in a way. The drive is there, the motivation is there. Prehaps he lack the will to carry it through, the resolution to improve himself.
I was once a social reject, yes, i'm totally ashamed of it. yet i'm doing significantly well now. I tried very hard to fit in, there this is the result i get.
Maybe Zombie can stop protraying himself negatively, be more normal, speak less loudly, be more observant about others facial expression to infer how they feel about you, and so on..
With that said, i shall conclude that it is your life, and be not affected by what others think about you but how you affect yourself. Dwelling on your misery never help. Thinking about it all the time never help. Think of happier times. No, don't tell me you have never experience happiness before. And soon, life will seems brighter, because you feel that it is so, and become brighter, because you make it so.
i shall now return to watching the movie, cats and dogs.
Post secret

It is hard not to care. Yet it is also hard to be otherwise.

Bask in watery death, the same way as life is given to you, in water as well.
"wherever you go, there you are?"

Humanity as indeed gone insane...

It is hard not to care. Yet it is also hard to be otherwise.

Bask in watery death, the same way as life is given to you, in water as well.
"wherever you go, there you are?"

Humanity as indeed gone insane...

This is the latest look of my current programming project, Notepad.NET
If you want to try out this software to replace yr plain and featureless notepad, go here to install MS .NET Framework 2.0 first.
Download .NET Framework 2.0
After download has completed, please install it. Although it is a big download, it is worth it has feature softwares will also require downloading of this framework. So you will have to download it sooner or later. Why not now?
After that, Download Notepad.NET
Double click on this software, and you are ready to use.
If you want to replace your usual notepad with this wonderful application, here are some steps you have to follow.
1)Create a folder named "NotepadNET" in your c:\Program Files folder.
2)Copy and paste into that folder
3)Look for any text files on your computer (files ending with .txt which are usually opened using notepad)
4)Right click on the text file and select properties.
5)You will see this dialog.

6)Click on the "Change" button, and this will appear:

7)Hit the "Browse" button. Find your way to c:\program files\NotepadNET and select the which you have placed there.
8)Apply the changes.
You are done! Notepad.NET will now automatically launch whenever you open a text file.
You can do the same for the other types of files that u normally use the standard windows notepad to open.
If you want to restore opening text files using the standard windows notepad, repeat the above steps, but instead of browsing to c:\program files\NotepadNET and select Notepad.NET.exe, browse to c:\windows\ and select NOTEPAD.exe.
Hope you guys will take some time to try out Notepad.NET, one of the first software to be developed on Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2005 in the world, as Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2005 has only be released recently.
The features included in Notepad.NET will blow your brains out as well, as those powerful features are not present in our plain standard notepad.
Qict Download
Qict, one of the most stable program i ever created, is now available on this site.
Wk Tech->Qict
Do take a look!
Wk Tech->Qict
Do take a look!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Some progress, even wrote my own word count algorithm. Should be accurate most of the time. Some features still need work. Should be available on this site sometime next week. Do take time to try it out!
Orchard Today

Haha.. orchard there got promotion, giving out free can drinks. Saw one ah soh, koping 3 cans of drink and hugging them like a teddy bear.
She was overheard toking on the phone
"Hey i ask you meet at the traffic light why you nv come?"
"I carrying alot of drinks leh, why u never come"
Nice Decoration. Bad shot.

Friday, November 11, 2005
Clean and green
We human destroyed the beauty of nature, and hyprocratically pursue to bath in nature's beauty by going on tours to visit the remaining few patches of beauty that managed to survive. Of course, we, being our naturally destructive nature, destroys those patches of beauty as well.
Even when we pollute nature by erecting concrete structures all over the earth, we continue to pollute and destroy even these very structures.
Here are snapshots i just took, while i was exploring my neigbourhood, deep in thought.

Even when we pollute nature by erecting concrete structures all over the earth, we continue to pollute and destroy even these very structures.
Here are snapshots i just took, while i was exploring my neigbourhood, deep in thought.

Visual Studio.NET 2005 has just been released recently and i downloaded the program yesterday, intending to give a second chance. I'm quite fond of using Vb6 programming language, released years back in 1998. However, the interfaces look dated now and it is buggy and inflexible. Besides, MS is going to end support for it.
2 years ago whenn Visual Studio.NET 2003 came out, i tested it and found in crappish. Its ultra lag on my computer, and all the familiar stuffs and tricks that i used in VB6 are missing. I promptly uninstalled it.
This time, version 2005 saw a come back of some of the features missing in 2003.
I took my time to test it out, and quite like the new interface elements it provides.
Many important things that were hard to do in vb6 is now so simplified its only a matter of setting a few properties. On the other hand, many features that make vb6 simple and easy to use are gone, replaced with more unnessarily OOP counterparts which are much harder to use.
Neverthless, i experimented and wrote a notepad clone in this new language. Most likely its one of the first complete application to be written using 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0
Here is a screenshot.

2 years ago whenn Visual Studio.NET 2003 came out, i tested it and found in crappish. Its ultra lag on my computer, and all the familiar stuffs and tricks that i used in VB6 are missing. I promptly uninstalled it.
This time, version 2005 saw a come back of some of the features missing in 2003.
I took my time to test it out, and quite like the new interface elements it provides.
Many important things that were hard to do in vb6 is now so simplified its only a matter of setting a few properties. On the other hand, many features that make vb6 simple and easy to use are gone, replaced with more unnessarily OOP counterparts which are much harder to use.
Neverthless, i experimented and wrote a notepad clone in this new language. Most likely its one of the first complete application to be written using 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0
Here is a screenshot.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005
New site segment ready
Xtreme attendance manager website is now ready.
It is under Wk Tech -> XAM
Take a look!
It is under Wk Tech -> XAM
Take a look!
Monday, November 07, 2005
End of PW hell
tommorrow should mark the end of pw hell. Yippy.. but i'm quite nervous though... Q&A i may not do well. Having to present infront of a group of serious looking people formally is not my strength too. Haiz... just have to bear with it.
There are many things in life that we have no choice but to bear with, even though its our life, we have no say over it. We just have to bear with it. :(
There are many things in life that we have no choice but to bear with, even though its our life, we have no say over it. We just have to bear with it. :(
Bloggers code of conduct?
One blogger was threatened recently with a defamation suit. Two others are being charged with sedition. Now the rest are wondering what other laws they should be aware of.
The answer, according to the Media Development Authority (MDA), is: Any relevant laws of the land.
But even the law abiding may come under the eye of the authorities.
Under the regulatory framework, Internet content providers, including web authors, are automatically licensed under the Broadcasting Act and must comply with the terms and conditions of the licence or they will not be able to broadcast online.
Those whose websites contain materials for the "propagation, promotion or discussion" of political or religious issues relating to Singapore can be required to register with the authorities.
This law has been invoked before. In 2001, civil society activist Tan Chong Kee was asked to register himself when his Sintercom website, one of Singapore's most popular forums on current affairs at the time, caught the attention of the media authorities seven years after its creation. Shortly after this, citing personal reasons, Dr Tan shut down Sintercom.
Although personal web pages are exempt from licensing, if a blog propagates, promotes or discusses political issues, the law kicks in.
This begs the question: How do you define such a blog?
It is a tough judgement call, said Singapore Internet Research Centre executive director Randolph Kluver.
"If one out of 100 posts is on a political issue, is that a political blog? No. But as those numbers go up, at what point do you draw the distinction?" he said.
Then there is the puzzle of what a political issue is.
For example, Dr Kluver pointed to the broader social significance of the National Kidney Foundation episode. The ensuing outcry in blogs and online discussion groups over the courtroom revelations were manifested, in some cases, as a proxy for a deeper desire to see transparency and accountability in Singapore as a whole.
So, when does the public donor become a political blogger and one who may be required to register?
MP Zainudin Nordin, a member of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Information, Communications and the Arts, offers a distinction. It is one between opinion and advocacy.
"If the Government were to launch ComCare to help the needy and someone said the scheme was rubbish, well, that's his opinion. But if he said, 'Let's all gang up together and demonstrate against it', he's standing for something. He's politicising it," he said.
His viewpoint is reflected in MDA's Internet industry guidelines, which state that web pages that promote political or religious "causes" are automatically licensed.
An echo of this approach is also in the Government's view of "crusading journalism" as unhealthy. While blogs are online diaries, the MDA told Today that with regard to political content on websites, "current rules applicable to the media will continue to apply". In general, that means nothing which is against "public interest or order, or national harmony or which offends against good taste or decency".
There is still room for bloggers to manoeuvre, though.
Even the Sedition Act rules that it is not seditious to show that the Government has been "misled or mistaken in any of its measures" or to "point out errors or defects in the Government … or in the administration of justice" with a view to remedy such errors.
Citizens can also persuade others to effect changes in Singapore through lawful means.
Whither now for bloggers?
Media and civil society researcher Russell Heng believes a blogger who feels strongly about an issue should "say it and not regret it", while Mr Zainudin advises, "when in doubt, refer to the authorities".
Perhaps, however, the real issue is not what to say or not to say.
Looking at the three bloggers in the news now, Dr Kluver suspects the point is that bloggers should be fully responsible for what they say.
That way, bloggers have nothing to be afraid of. - TODAY/sh
This article is taken from
The answer, according to the Media Development Authority (MDA), is: Any relevant laws of the land.
But even the law abiding may come under the eye of the authorities.
Under the regulatory framework, Internet content providers, including web authors, are automatically licensed under the Broadcasting Act and must comply with the terms and conditions of the licence or they will not be able to broadcast online.
Those whose websites contain materials for the "propagation, promotion or discussion" of political or religious issues relating to Singapore can be required to register with the authorities.
This law has been invoked before. In 2001, civil society activist Tan Chong Kee was asked to register himself when his Sintercom website, one of Singapore's most popular forums on current affairs at the time, caught the attention of the media authorities seven years after its creation. Shortly after this, citing personal reasons, Dr Tan shut down Sintercom.
Although personal web pages are exempt from licensing, if a blog propagates, promotes or discusses political issues, the law kicks in.
This begs the question: How do you define such a blog?
It is a tough judgement call, said Singapore Internet Research Centre executive director Randolph Kluver.
"If one out of 100 posts is on a political issue, is that a political blog? No. But as those numbers go up, at what point do you draw the distinction?" he said.
Then there is the puzzle of what a political issue is.
For example, Dr Kluver pointed to the broader social significance of the National Kidney Foundation episode. The ensuing outcry in blogs and online discussion groups over the courtroom revelations were manifested, in some cases, as a proxy for a deeper desire to see transparency and accountability in Singapore as a whole.
So, when does the public donor become a political blogger and one who may be required to register?
MP Zainudin Nordin, a member of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Information, Communications and the Arts, offers a distinction. It is one between opinion and advocacy.
"If the Government were to launch ComCare to help the needy and someone said the scheme was rubbish, well, that's his opinion. But if he said, 'Let's all gang up together and demonstrate against it', he's standing for something. He's politicising it," he said.
His viewpoint is reflected in MDA's Internet industry guidelines, which state that web pages that promote political or religious "causes" are automatically licensed.
An echo of this approach is also in the Government's view of "crusading journalism" as unhealthy. While blogs are online diaries, the MDA told Today that with regard to political content on websites, "current rules applicable to the media will continue to apply". In general, that means nothing which is against "public interest or order, or national harmony or which offends against good taste or decency".
There is still room for bloggers to manoeuvre, though.
Even the Sedition Act rules that it is not seditious to show that the Government has been "misled or mistaken in any of its measures" or to "point out errors or defects in the Government … or in the administration of justice" with a view to remedy such errors.
Citizens can also persuade others to effect changes in Singapore through lawful means.
Whither now for bloggers?
Media and civil society researcher Russell Heng believes a blogger who feels strongly about an issue should "say it and not regret it", while Mr Zainudin advises, "when in doubt, refer to the authorities".
Perhaps, however, the real issue is not what to say or not to say.
Looking at the three bloggers in the news now, Dr Kluver suspects the point is that bloggers should be fully responsible for what they say.
That way, bloggers have nothing to be afraid of. - TODAY/sh
This article is taken from
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Holiday? Education?
Yes indeed, we have all come to the end of school term, and hence it is time to enjoy our holiday. Isn't it wonderful, the idea of giving students breaks, away from school for a varying period of time that is scattered throughout the year. How nice, giving time for students to have fun, go on vacation and pursue their own interest.
What a novel idea, except that this isn't quite true.
The school has definitely planned well. It is hidden in their mission statement that students should not be able to idle. Otherwise, they will start thinking about how miserable their life is, and start having suicidal thoughts. It is hence better to make them so occupied that they are unable to hatch such thoughts. Education is benefiting the future in this manner, no doubt.
What is the true purpose of education?
we need to take a look at the definitions of educate.
Qict, a software which I wrote that search the massive online database of, has this to say:
1. To develop the innate capacities of, especially by schooling or instruction. See Synonyms at teach.
2. To provide with knowledge or training in a particular area or for a particular purpose: decided to educate herself in foreign languages; entered a seminary to be educated for the priesthood.
1. To provide with information; inform: a campaign that educated the public about the dangers of smoking.
2. To bring to an understanding or acceptance: hoped to educate the voters to the need for increased spending on public schools.
4. To stimulate or develop the mental or moral growth of.
5. To develop or refine (one's taste or appreciation, for example).
Yes, (1) education as it is today develops various capabilities in us, the ability to spell, the ability to count, etc. (2) It provides us knowledge in various fields, subjects like chemistry, bio and physics allow us to become a great Bio-chem-physicist when we grow up, yet the feasibility of such a career is in doubt. However, such education is good in helping the student decide what subject to detest so that he or she won't end up choosing the wrong job next time. (3) Yes, certainly it provides us information. But it also expects us, most of the time, to be able to remember definitions word by word. Although this is crucial to our understanding, many students who did not attempt to understand anything except to memorise those words will score better than those who understand but did not memorise. Such is the flaw in today's educational system. This is not particularly true in any country. This is particular true in almost every country. Points (4) and (5) are out of this context, but point (5) should not be regarded lightly. "To develop or refine (one's taste or appreciation, for example)." Does this mean that to be educated in something is to be able to appreciate the information given? If I did not interpret it wrongly, this simply means that in other to be educated about something, you must be able to appreciate it first. This is particularly true for me. In all these years, I'm pretty at ease with subjects like computing and physics, simply because I'm able to understand the beauty of it. To me and many intellects out there, appreciation is an important step. However, there are many others who skipped this step totally and attempt to do well in every subjects, by hook or by crook. I'm a free thinker, but let us now believe in the existence of god for a moment. If god really exists, why did god make some people good at physical activities, while others are good thinkers. Why are some good at literature, while others at chemistry. Nobody is the same. Yet current educational systems out there attempts to educate you on anything, whether you like it or not. Such is the flaw of the system today.
What good would it be, to just memories everything, whether you appreciate it or not?
Isn't it better if you allow a computer, capable of more storage then a human brain, and far higher precision and accuracy in reproducing whatever data that it had learnt to replace you?
If the education in general does not change, we are only training our young into computer harddisks.
spell check by Si Hui =p
What a novel idea, except that this isn't quite true.
The school has definitely planned well. It is hidden in their mission statement that students should not be able to idle. Otherwise, they will start thinking about how miserable their life is, and start having suicidal thoughts. It is hence better to make them so occupied that they are unable to hatch such thoughts. Education is benefiting the future in this manner, no doubt.
What is the true purpose of education?
we need to take a look at the definitions of educate.
Qict, a software which I wrote that search the massive online database of, has this to say:
1. To develop the innate capacities of, especially by schooling or instruction. See Synonyms at teach.
2. To provide with knowledge or training in a particular area or for a particular purpose: decided to educate herself in foreign languages; entered a seminary to be educated for the priesthood.
1. To provide with information; inform: a campaign that educated the public about the dangers of smoking.
2. To bring to an understanding or acceptance: hoped to educate the voters to the need for increased spending on public schools.
4. To stimulate or develop the mental or moral growth of.
5. To develop or refine (one's taste or appreciation, for example).
Yes, (1) education as it is today develops various capabilities in us, the ability to spell, the ability to count, etc. (2) It provides us knowledge in various fields, subjects like chemistry, bio and physics allow us to become a great Bio-chem-physicist when we grow up, yet the feasibility of such a career is in doubt. However, such education is good in helping the student decide what subject to detest so that he or she won't end up choosing the wrong job next time. (3) Yes, certainly it provides us information. But it also expects us, most of the time, to be able to remember definitions word by word. Although this is crucial to our understanding, many students who did not attempt to understand anything except to memorise those words will score better than those who understand but did not memorise. Such is the flaw in today's educational system. This is not particularly true in any country. This is particular true in almost every country. Points (4) and (5) are out of this context, but point (5) should not be regarded lightly. "To develop or refine (one's taste or appreciation, for example)." Does this mean that to be educated in something is to be able to appreciate the information given? If I did not interpret it wrongly, this simply means that in other to be educated about something, you must be able to appreciate it first. This is particularly true for me. In all these years, I'm pretty at ease with subjects like computing and physics, simply because I'm able to understand the beauty of it. To me and many intellects out there, appreciation is an important step. However, there are many others who skipped this step totally and attempt to do well in every subjects, by hook or by crook. I'm a free thinker, but let us now believe in the existence of god for a moment. If god really exists, why did god make some people good at physical activities, while others are good thinkers. Why are some good at literature, while others at chemistry. Nobody is the same. Yet current educational systems out there attempts to educate you on anything, whether you like it or not. Such is the flaw of the system today.
What good would it be, to just memories everything, whether you appreciate it or not?
Isn't it better if you allow a computer, capable of more storage then a human brain, and far higher precision and accuracy in reproducing whatever data that it had learnt to replace you?
If the education in general does not change, we are only training our young into computer harddisks.
spell check by Si Hui =p
Legend of the apple (part3)
“It follows that anyone who talks like a racist on his or her blog will be punished accordingly. It also follows that anyone who behaves like a racist on an MRT train is an idiot.”
Kao felt very very happy today. Today is the first time he will be riding on the MRT train alone. He felt matured. He felt great. His mum has finally allowed him to go out on his own. A broad grin spread across his face, the way his mother spread butter across his bread. Must be the apple, he thought. The apple had help him grow and mature. How right am I to eat that magic apple! He exclaimed in his head. His is going to Bishan, from chua chu kang mrt.
He enter the MRT station, by tapping his ez-link card on the card reader at the mrt gates. The gate sprang open. “This is so easy, I can handle this by myself,” he thought.
Walking a few steps, he arrives at the escalator.
His thoughts:
Oh no! Why are there 2 escalators? Which one should I take? My mummy never tell me which one is the correct one. Oh no oh no. This is the first time I go out by myself. Cannot lose face. My face very important.
He was close to despair and was about to flood his eyes when a thought struck him like a thunderbolt.
His thoughts:
Yes, I’ll just take anyone of the escalator and see if it is the correct one. There is a 50% chance of getting the right one. See! I’m smarter already. I know what is 50% chance.
With that, he placed his foot on the escalator, and fell. He hurriedly picked himself up and got on to the second escalator. Up he went.
It was a long wait. 9minutes before the next train. He waited and waited and waited. When the train finally came, he boarded it.
MRT trains occasionally make various announcements over the overhead speaker. Kao listen at each one of them in awe and amazement.
His thoughts:
WOW! How come the same girl so smart can speak so many languages one?
One of the announcements that struck him most is one that ends with “ximi-lan ximi-lan ximi-lan.” For a strange and unexplainable reason, Kao simply loves the sound of it, even love it much more than his self-proclaimed girlfriend, Elmo, who is not even a friend of Kao. Kao, being a cute and intelligent child, started imitating the words.
“ximi-lan ximi-lan ximi-lan.”
“ximi-lan ximi-lan ximi-lan.”
“ximi-lan ximi-lan ximi-lan.”
“ximi-lan ximi-lan ximi-lan.”
“ximi-lan ximi-lan ximi-lan.”
“ximi-lan ximi-lan ximi-lan.”
Then, a chinese announcement came, ending with “Jiu, jiu, jiu”
It was then when Kao heard somebody also saying “jiu jiu jiu” He turned and saw a malay girl, about the same age as himself, imitating the sound.
His face turned as red as an apple.
His face went redder than an apple as the next announcement came “Jurong East Interchange”
After word
There is a point to this story, but it went on a vacation.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Long time no blog, indeed
Actually, i'm only blogging today to announce the introduction of a new theme and web design for this site.
Some people may find this new design abit confusing, but it is laid out logically and should be easy enough to navigate without getting lost.
I'll post more when i have time.
Some people may find this new design abit confusing, but it is laid out logically and should be easy enough to navigate without getting lost.
I'll post more when i have time.
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