Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Photo Essay: The Singapore Haze

Making Singapore look like some dreamland.
Abit too late for a photo essay on haze now eh? But ok la.. I forgot to upload it last time.
Click here
Revision for Today
- Computing
- Physics Topic 28 (60%)
- Physics Topic 29
- Physics Topic 30
- Physics Topic 32
- Maths 2003 Paper 1 (50%)
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
- A Level 2002 Maths Paper 1
- Computing OS
- Computer Architecture
- Physics Topic 1
- Physics Topic 2
- Physics Topic 3
- Physics Topic 4
- Physics Topic 5
- Physics Topic 6
- Physics Topic 7
- Physics Topic 8
- Physics Topic 9
- Physics Topic 10
- Physics Topic 11
- Physics Topic 12
- Physics Topic 13
- Physics Topic 14
- Physics Topic 15
- Physics Topic 16
- Physics Topic 17
- Physics Topic 18
- Physics Topic 19
- Physics Topic 20
- Physics Topic 21
- Physics Topic 22
- Physics Topic 23
- Physics Topic 24
- Physics Topic 25
- Physics Topic 26
- Physics Topic 27
Hotmail, really hot
From : Clara Lee
Sent : Tuesday, October 31, 2006 8:56 PM
To : caraboo_89@hotmail.com, tanamos@hotmail.com, tayweikiat@hotmail.com, yeo_shereen@hotmail.com, zr_dictionary1@hotmail.com, toot_it@hotmail.com, jn_weien@hotmail.com, jamie_SHE@hotmail.com
Subject : Orientation programme
I am done with the programme. Check for me eh.. I dunnoe if i have sent to all Organising com pple.. So if dun have, please send it to them for me and say that i am sorry k.. Nothing else. I see u guys tomolo!!
Attached was a detailed plan for an orientation programme, which looks like AJ's.
WTH? Who is Clara Lee?
Within 5 minutes I got another email.
From : Amos Tan
Sent : Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:30 PM
To : sunshine_89_@msn.com, caraboo_89@hotmail.com, tayweikiat@hotmail.com, yeo_shereen@hotmail.com, zr_dictionary1@hotmail.com, toot_it@hotmail.com, jn_weien@hotmail.com, jamie_SHE@hotmail.com
Subject : RE: Orientation programme
| | | Inbox
Hi all!
Thanks Clara for the Programme.. This is the tentative programme for now.. So we can work around this first.. Thanks so much! Jia You!!! We'll make Orientation a fun and exciting one!!
Mr. Tan was talking about our objectives.. We're aiming to 100% everything!! Yea? We can do it!
And, lets not forget to have fun while planning Orientation!
And the reason for the title of this entry:
Interested in you,
Hello dear one,How are you doing in life, I Want to introduce my self to you before i could go further, I am a lady Geogil boseniryo by name. i came accross your profile which really sound so interesting as well spoke fine of you so i decided to drop a note to let you know that i am intrested in you for serious long term relationship . Please i will like you to email me back in my email address so that i can send you my photos and tell you more about myself. This is my email:geogil00221@yahoo.com I am waiting to get a reply from you. Remember distance or colour does not matter but true love matters alot in life.Hope to read from you soon, bye for now, many kissssss and huggggggg. THANKS.
Smart enough to call herself a lady and can't even type proper message? Try harder next time, and sprinkle some Singlish. Then I'll be convinced.
All that coke, wasted for the sake of comedy
Don't try that at home, and definitely not in your stomach.
Paying $100000 for all out entertainment
From an anonymous comment.
Peasants paying these jokers more than $100,000 a month to spew crap like this? seriously!?!
“Retrenchment is good for singapore. If there is no retrenchments, then I worry.” - SM Goh
“I don’t think that there should be a cap on the number of directorship that a person can hold.” - PAP MP John Chen who holds 8 directorships.
“It’s not for the money because some of the companies pay me as little as $10,000 a year.” - PAP MP Wang Kai Yuen who holds 11 directorships.
“If you want to dance on a bar top, some of us will fall off the bar Top. Some people will die as a result of liberalising bar top dancing… a young girl with a short skirt dancing on it may attract some insults from some other men, the boyfriend will start fighting and some people will die.” - Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports
“I would want to form an alternative policies group in Parliament, comprising 20 PAP MPs. These 20 PAP MPs will be free to vote in accordance with what they think of a particular policy. In other words, the whip for them will be lifted. This is not playing politics, this is something which I think is worthwhile doing.” - SM Goh
“If you sing Jailhouse Rock with your electric guitar when others are playing Beethoven, you are out of order. The whip must be used on you.” - SM Goh again, on a dramatic u-turn, rethink or backtrack, whatever you call it.
“Save on one hairdo and use the money for breast screening.” - another gem from Lim Hng Kiang
“We started off with (the name) and after looking at everything, the name that really tugged at the heartstrings was in front of us. The name itself is not new, but what has been used informally so far has endeared itself to all parties.” - Mah Bow Tan on the $400,000 exercise to rename Marina Bay as Marina Bay.
“Having enjoyed football as a national sport for decades, we in Singapore have set ourselves the target of reaching the final rounds of World Cup in 2010.” - Ho Peng Kee
“Only 5% are unemployed. We still have 95% who are employed.” - Yeo Cheow Tong
“Singaporean workers have become more expensive than those in the USA and Australia.” - Tony Tan
“People support CPF cuts because there are no protest outside parliament.” - PM Lee
“No, it was not a U-turn, and neither was it a reversal of government policy. But you can call it a rethink.” - Yeo Cheow Tong
“…I regret making the decision because, in the end, the baby continued to be in intensive care, and KKH now runs up a total bill of more than $300,000…” - Lim Hng Kiang, regretting the decision to save a baby’s life because KKH ran up a $300,000 bill
“Without the elected president and if there is a freak result, within two or three years, the army would have to come in and stop it.” - MM Lee Kuan Yew
“Please do not assume that you can change governments. Young people don’t understand this” - Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, post-2006 General Elections
And my dad, hardworking and did not make a joke out of is work, is struggling to make ends meet. I had a earn my own pocket money from now until enlistment in March next year.
Monday, October 30, 2006
JC Life Part 1: Beginning of the END
Refusing to believe my eyes, I rubbed it so hard I thought it would bleed and give up on me. I even tried the famous "pinch yourself stupidly" trick advertised on TV dramas as a sure-fire way of checking if I was dreaming or not. Pain struck me and I knew heaven was unfair.
I opened a new window in my Maxthon Web Browser and called up the Google website. I did a search for that uninvited bunch of letters that had found its way to my computer like a virus, and landed on the website of Anderson Junior College. It was terrible.
The site design reminded me of the mess I made while eating at the hawker center earlier that day, and I quickly closed the window. Oh my god! Look at what shit (literally) I've gotten myself into.
Nevertheless, it took me just a little over an hour to comprehend the fact that I could do nothing about it, and with a sigh of relief, I went back to Anderson Junior College's website. I tried hard not to puke all over my keyboard, and with some luck, succeeded.
I had a hard time convincing myself that Anderson Junior College was a good school based on that website. In the end, I managed to convince myself that I am a great adapter and I can whatever obstacles and challenges life threw at me. After all, Anderson Junior College's Mission of "challenging our students to develop to their full potential and become responsible citizens, ready to face the changing world." certainly described how I felt then. I felt challenged to survive the two years there.
After all, I told myself, what more can I expect? I intentionally slacked my entire four years in The Chinese High School, and my Preliminary Examination L1R5 score was 10, considerably better than that during the Common Tests where I managed to clinch a 20. Although many felt rewarded when they found out they made it to Anderson Junior College, to me, it was more like a punishment sent to me by Tan Kah Kee, founder of The Chinese High School for slacking four years straight in the wonderful and conducive environment he carefully established for learning, which I accidentally mistook for a holiday resort.
Judging from the state of the website, I automatically lowered the expectation of what I could get out of Anderson Junior College as a self-defense measure, least I find the school less than satisfactory. With hindsight, all I can say is, whatever the amount I lowered my expectation of Anderson Junior College, I still suffered from agony.
On Sunday, second of January 2005, I wrote a rather lame and childish poem on my blog which signaled the start of a new phase in my life:
2004 is gone,
I am alone.
And there's no way to clone,
my doom shaped dome.
2005 is here,
Or so i hear,
Since i have a ear.
Cos this is a new year
A new year to be lame,
a new way to be caned,
and a new method to be in shame.
A new new year's a new sadness,
with no one to nurse
my fuckiness.
Me at anderson.
Because i'm not Mr Anderson,
Whom Neo defeat till he can't see anymore sun.
Created something called GooGNews,
The only program that can extract google news.
Staring at scrolling tsunami news,
I don't think its something new.
Came back to visit my own blog,
with a terrible mental block.
Its time to be lame, says the tag-board
so here i am posting this blob.
And on the next day, Orientation 2005 started and I stepped into Anderson Junior College for the first time.
To be continued...
Stomp Tech Chick Loves to Screw

I donno about you, but I seriously think it is unbecoming of STOMP. This mistake also reveals a very important point: The models are just models. The instructions are written by someone else, and possibly a guy.
So dark the con of STOMP.
Also, some very misleading Tech Chick Issues' name:
Tech Chick returns! Hotter and ... bigger!
Berry ripe for the plucking
X-rated business
I'll be your Wi-Fi, not your wifey.
Quick and dirty music videos
would you call them Big Macs now?
STOMP is rather unprofessional. Look here and you find their directory listing for Tech Chick files. I trust commercial sites to do better than that?
Mr Brown Making a Dig at Elites
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Revision for Today
- Object Orientated Programming
- Maths 2003 Paper 1 (50%)
- Physics Topic 21
- Physics Topic 22
- Physics Topic 23
- Physics Topic 24
- Physics Topic 25
- Physics Topic 26
- Physics Topic 27
- Physics Topic 28
- Physics Topic 29
- Physics Topic 30
- Physics Topic 31
- Physics Topic 32
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
- A Level 2002 Maths Paper 1
- Computing OS
- Computer Architecture
- Physics Topic 1
- Physics Topic 2
- Physics Topic 3
- Physics Topic 4
- Physics Topic 5
- Physics Topic 6
- Physics Topic 7
- Physics Topic 8
- Physics Topic 9
- Physics Topic 10
- Physics Topic 11
- Physics Topic 12
- Physics Topic 13
- Physics Topic 14
- Physics Topic 15
- Physics Topic 16
- Physics Topic 17
- Physics Topic 18
- Physics Topic 19
- Physics Topic 20
Appalling Standard of English in AJC

I can only guess, that the person who wrote this is Chinese educated ("read" in Chinese is the same as "study"), "who did not read " Higher MT at O Level.
I'm pretty sure it was a mistake, as in previous criteria, "students who do not offer" was used.
That itself seems to be a mistake too. Students who were not offered or student who do not offer?
I have no idea.
Other than the boxed wrong use of word, there are grammar mistakes there that even my pathetic standard of grammar allow me to identity.
Conclusion? AJC may not be the best place to go if you want to pass your General Paper.
More reasons here, here, here and the really classic one that will make you go WTF here.
An important point to note, is that if you can't pass your General Paper, you fail your A Level. Good luck on that if you come to AJC.
Fare Hike, Kana Sai
Taxi fleet's revenue down 16%; retail rents up 34.9%
Email this article Print article Feedback
SMRT Corporation reported a 13 per cent year-on-year rise in net profit to $31.5 million for the second quarter ended September 2006, helped by increased ridership on MRT lines and rental of retail space at refurbished stations.
The intent to upgrade public transport to accommodate the disabled will not largely affect SMRT's costs.
- Saw Phaik HwaRevenue, including 'other' operating income, for the group, which also runs bus and taxi services, rose 3.3 per cent to $193.8 million for the quarter.
SMRT chief Saw Phaik Hwa said ridership on trains and buses in 3Q 07 is expected to be marginally higher than the previous corresponding period, though it will fall quarter-on-quarter due to seasonal fluctuation.
Income from rental and advertising is expected to be comparable with the earnings in 2Q 07, while total operating expenses are seen rising due to scheduled repairs, higher electricity bills and other costs.
For 2Q 07, the group's MRT segment saw a 5.4 per cent rise in revenue to $102.2 million as ridership rose 'due to GDP growth', SMRT said.
Helped by lower staff and electricity costs, operating profit for this segment rose 24.5 per cent to $29.3 million.
Related articles:
Click here to view SMRT's press release
Q207 and 1HY07 financial statements
Presentation slides Rental revenues rose by 34.9 per cent to $8.7 million for the quarter, contributed by increased space and better yield following the redevelopment of retail space at various MRT stations.
Total lettable space increased by 12.1 per cent in 2Q 07, while operating profits for the segment rose 25.2 per cent to $6.6 million.
However, SMRT suffered Q2 operating losses in the taxi division, and rising fuel costs led to lower operating profit in the bus division.
Its fleet of taxis saw a year-on-year loss of 16 per cent in revenue to $17 million, with an operating loss of $0.9 million against an operating profit of $1.3 million in Q2 last year.
=> Solution: Hike cab fare!
But this quarter has seen significant improvements from the first quarter of this year, when operating losses amounted to $3.2 million, SMRT's chief financial officer Lim Cheng Cheng said.
The number of taxis hired out was 2,218, against 2,476 in the previous Q3 and 2,131 in Q1. Ms Saw believes the taxi fleet will continue to gain market share.
Fare hikes have led to a 10 per cent rise in taxi drivers' incomes.
The fleet has expanded from 2,684 taxis in Q1 to 3,019 taxis now.
Bus revenues rose 2.2 per cent to $48.3 million, but operating profits fell 31.5 per cent to $1.6 million, due to higher diesel and other costs.
Ms Saw also said the Transport Ministry's intention to upgrade public transport to accommodate the disabled will not
...[Message truncated]
And from ST,
SMRT powers ahead with 10% increase in interim earnings
Higher ridership and better rental income enhance profits; bus and cab units return to black
DOMINANT rail operator SMRT posted a 10 per cent rise in net earnings to $59 million for the first half ended Sept 30, powered by higher ridership and better rental income.
Revenue rose by 2.7 per cent to $367.8 million. Besides improved ridership, interim turnover was boosted more meaningfully* by the fare increase in July last year.
Profit was enhanced by a spike in interest and investment incomes on the back of an improved equity market as well as SMRT's enlarged cash horde.
Cash and equivalents at the end of the first half stood at $143.1 million, from $66.2 million previously.
Earnings per share for the interim period rose to 3.9 cents from 3.6 cents. Net asset value per share and net tangible asset per share stood at 38.4 cents and 35.6 cents respectively - from 38.8 cents and 36.1 cents previously.
Costs for the first six months rose slightly, with higher salary and energy costs offset partially by lower depreciation - partly because of a smaller taxi fleet.
There are signs of a respite in energy expenses, which have been northward bound for several quarters now. Indeed, lower diesel cost was cited as one reason for bus operations returning to profitability in the last three months.
On a quarter-to-quarter basis, all of SMRT's operations were in the black in the July to September period, except for LRT. Even its bus and taxi operations returned to profitability from the rare losses posted in the first quarter.
From an operating loss of $500,000, buses earned $2.4 million. And from $3.2 million in losses, taxis made $1.3 million.
A spokesman said the bus operations were boosted by 'lower diesel prices and higher ridership' in the second quarter, while the cab unit had 'reduced bad debts and more taxis hired out''.
But the bus and cab divisions were outdone by the rental of retail space. This business made $5.3 million in the second quarter, and $10.2 million in the six months - far exceeding chief executive Saw Phaik Hwa's target when she first set out to improve rental yield by revamping the retail concept in MRT sites three years ago.
Looking ahead, SMRT expects rail and bus ridership in the third quarter to be higher than in the same period last year. The Oct 1 fare hike will also kick in. But it expects costs to rise on the back of repairs and maintenance and the mid-life upgrade of trains. It also said diesel prices would be volatile.
Directors have recommended a dividend of 1.5 cents per share for the interim, unchanged from previously.
At least one analyst expects the Government's renewed drive to raise public transport ridership to be positive for SMRT.
*Can someone justify the meaning of the word "meaningfully"?
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The Elite Story
My Beloved DH10P
Front of DH10P

Front of DH10P with lens cover open

Interface when playing music

Back of DH10P (badly taken)

Above photos taken using Canon Powershot A200 (damn old and bulky model) with 8MB of compact flash -.-". Photos of Powershot A200 below taken using DH10P.

First Chee, then Ravi
Lawyer M. Ravi suspended a year for rudeness
Among other things, he turned his back to district judge in court
LAWYER M. Ravi, who has made the news as much for his behaviour as for the causes he champions, has been suspended from practising for a year for being rude to a district judge.
A Court of Three Judges, the legal profession's highest disciplinary body, handed down the suspension yesterday after a hearing that was marked by more of the 37-year-old's erratic behaviour. After Mr Ravi had paced around the court and interrupted the judges several times, Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong told him: 'I hope that... you will find peace, examine yourself and hopefully, one year later, when you come back, you will become a lawyer that we want to see in this court.'
CJ Chan called it an extraordinary case. No lawyer has come before the court with five previous transgressions.
Last year, Mr Ravi admitted before a disciplinary committee that in October 2003, he had turned his back to the judge while being addressed, interrupted proceedings and responded to the judge in an unbecoming manner.
Since 2000, Mr Ravi has been fined or reprimanded five times by various committees for misconduct, but yesterday was the first time he appeared before the court.
He began the proceedings by declaring that he had not slept in two days and asked for time to organise himself. He then meticulously arranged his stationery and files and rubbed powder on his face as Mr Mirza Mohamed Namazie, counsel for the Law Society, addressed the court.
During his submissions, Mr Ravi proclaimed that he has 'never taken a single cent' from his clients while lawyers were 'taking money and running away'.
He also exclaimed: 'Why are you persecuting me like this?'
When the hearing was adjourned for the judges to deliberate, Mr Ravi hummed a few tunes and made loud remarks.
When the session resumed, he paced back and forth and repeatedly interrupted CJ Chan, earning himself several warnings.
When CJ Chan told him to stand at one point, he retorted: 'How long do you want me to stand? I'm very weak. Do you want me to collapse here?'
At one point, Mr Ravi blurted out: 'I have no respect for the judiciary and the legal profession.' But CJ Chan continued.
He said: 'Instead of making a proper mitigation speech, what we have heard this morning is a series of irrelevant and irrational arguments... It's very distressing for me to hear this kind of argument from you.'
Mr Ravi studied law in Britain and has been practising since 1997. He runs his own firm.
He first made headlines in 2003 for exchanging heated words with a High Court judge while seeking a re-trial for a drug trafficker condemned to hang.
Since then, he has championed human rights issues, often using unorthodox methods, such as getting the sons of a drug trafficker to hand out leaflets in a bid to earn their father a reprieve from execution.
Recently, he missed a string of court appearances after he was admitted to a private psychiatric hospital.
Isn't it a coincident that people championing for human rights in Singapore are such weirdos?
Support PAP, the only sane one!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Quotes from Mrs Tay, Vice-Principal of AJC
I don't read blogs. I find it a waste of time.
-In a tea-session between me and her.
...your negative feedback on the [non-secular sexuality talk] vendor has arouse the press
interest on the college's programme. The public will still focus on the
college and question the college why was this vendor chosen as if we are
not able to make a good decision and have done something wrong to our
students (because you all don't benefit from the programme)...it has aroused so much publicity on the presss with the public giving their comments and questioning the college. It was also mentioned by the MOE officials during meetings etc. It has created quite a negative impact on the college and the school leaders...
We can focus our energy and spend time on more meaningful things than to answer to the press.*
-In an email exchange between me and her
*Should focus energy on more meaningful things instead of talking to the press? Lets look at this CNA article before the Sexuality Talk thing blew over:
Anderson Junior College for example is holding four 4-hour sexuality education talks this year. Students there will spend 1 to 2 hours discussing the topic with their teachers in class and there'll also be a week-long sexuality education exhibition.
Woo Soo Min, Vice Principal, Anderson Junior College, said: "It is not just about sexuality, it is touching on the values of the students, how they perceive themselves. We feel this topic should be broached with greater depth, that's why we feel that we would like to spend more time on it."
AJC told the press that it was about "touching on the values of the students, how they perceive themselves." Now something went wrong and AJC don't want to answer the press, and instead want to hide away and " focus our energy and spend time on more meaningful things"?
And the pest problem in AJC?
Her reply after I informed her about rats in AJC:
Lastly, thanks for your alert to the rats, that is precisely why the OM has
to stop students eating in the container blocks. Now you can see how a
small inconsiderate group can cause a lot of inconvenience to the community
at large even thought the college is putting in so much manpower to do the
cleaning. Just to let you know, we have already taken action a few days
ago and I think this is the right way to approach our family problem, to
alert us and to take timely action rather than to complaint to the
2 or 3 email exchanges later:
the pest control is always in place so my point is these are on going processes and it is not just a sudden improvement.
And on a final note,
You are our students so of course we will not sue you to court for
damanging the reputation of the college and staff. Please read the news
paper on what has happened to Dr Chee** and you should learn to be responsible and not to take things for granted.
**I see Dr Chee championing for freedom and democracy. Is that wrong?
A Vice-Principal is a role model students should respect, look up to, and learn from.
Isn't it?
Revision for Today
Revision line up for today
- Object Orientated Programming
- Maths 2003 Paper 1 (50%)
- Physics Topic 15
- Physics Topic 16
- Physics Topic 17
- Physics Topic 18
- Physics Topic 19
- Physics Topic 20
- Physics Topic 21
- Physics Topic 22
- Physics Topic 23
- Physics Topic 24
- Physics Topic 25
- Physics Topic 26
- Physics Topic 27
- Physics Topic 28
- Physics Topic 29
- Physics Topic 30
- Physics Topic 31
- Physics Topic 32
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
- A Level 2002 Maths Paper 1
- Computing OS
- Computer Architecture
- Physics Topic 1
- Physics Topic 2
- Physics Topic 3
- Physics Topic 4
- Physics Topic 5
- Physics Topic 6
- Physics Topic 7
- Physics Topic 8
- Physics Topic 9
- Physics Topic 10
- Physics Topic 11
- Physics Topic 12
- Physics Topic 13
- Physics Topic 14
Photo Essay: "If you are not good enough, life will kick you in the balls."

Tissue Paper Peddler in Ang Mole Kio

Daughter of Ang Mole Kio MP in US
Certainly, the wheel chaired tissue paper peddler is "not good enough" to be the daughter of an MP, or the daughter of any other elites with similar family teachings, and therefore had her "life kicked her in her balls"(if she has any).
To put things right, I am not against elites. And admit it or not, wanting to be an elite is what motivates and drives many Singaporeans.
The crux of the issue here is, once you are an elite, what should you do? How should you pay back to society? How should carry yourself in public and understand others? How should you teach and educate your own children?
Everyone in this society has a role to play, be it insignificant or significant. People with higher intelligence and leadership helps civilisation by leading people towards progress, and bringing peace to chaos. People with passion in information technology helps civilisation by setting up our IT infrastructure, without which many things will not work, and this blog won't even be here. The old and the uneducated plays a part by becoming security guards, cleaners and roadsweepers, an often look down upon job, but something that certainly benefits civilisation drastically. Imagine a world without cleaners.
Who is to define who is "good enough" or not? Certainly not an 18 year old student studying in a elitist school, ranting with high and almighty attitude betraying her complete lack of understanding of how this world works.
Civilization don't work based on something so artificial as examination results or what school you are in. Civilization don't work by condemning citizens you are gloomed as a leader to look after.
Yet, the idea of academic achievements and the importance of it had already been implanted into the mindset of Singaporeans over the years, perhaps by hidden messages in TV shows we watch on Mediacorp, perhaps as a result of unique combination of ethnic groups in Singapore.
Either way, the end result was that under the clean, green and glorious image that Singaporeans had of themselves and thought foreigns had of ourselves, the "brutal truth" under all that self-delusion was much more alarming.
Kiasu-ism, where people are afraid of losing out had been hard wired into every single Singaporeans. Perhaps the government's move of bringing more and more foreign was a right one - a painful process to Singaporeans which will ultimately dilute various negative cultures and ideas and strengthen our cultures with good ones from the Western countries.
However, as far as I see, Kiasu-ism had infiltrated our educational system, undermining the noble concept of education, changing the mindset of our youth for the worst, and at the same time producing high educational wastage.
Parents preach their child on the importance of certificates, and how academic results are important for their future. Parents tell their children to work hard now, so that they can get high paying jobs and enjoy life later on. What grounds does all these assumptions stand on?
Yet, as a result of all these, education in Singapore became highly competitive, with students being stressed out and many of them committing suicide. Some say competition is good, and lead to higher standard of students. But at what expense?
Education is a pursue for knowledge, yet in Singapore education is a pursue for admission into a University. As a result of parents preaching about getting into university to ensure high paying jobs, and parents forcing their children into Junior Colleges, we have in fact created a bunch of useless elites, who were (because of their education level) at one or two rung higher than poly and ITE students, but in actual fact more useless than a piece of leaf lying on the floor.
I see some schoolmates and classmates putting University as their goal, and not knowing what subject to take when they got there. Isn't University a tool for which passionate learners use to realise their interest? Yet what we have here is a huge bunch of aimless clueless Singapore JC kids who thought they are so great, but were totally aimless. A goal in life should be specific, and University can be a tool to achieve that goal for some groups of people. University should not be viewed as a goal by itself.
The same thing with scholarships. Scholarships were supposed to help students pursue their interest. I've seen cases where desperate people forgo the subject they were interested in because no scholarship was available for that subject, and instead, for the sake of scholarship, chose a faculty where scholarships were available for. Students are supposed to shape their life using scholarship, not let scholarships shape it for them.
What can we say about these supposed elites who do well in examinations, get pretty scholarships, serve community for the sake of university admission, and despises other fellow Singaporeans from Polys and ITEs?
Lost, clueless, useless souls who will get kicked in their balls by their own lack of insight, free will and reason.
NB: Not all JC students are like that, but most are.
The Scanner That Sings
HCI, The Clear Leader
Thursday, October 26, 2006

The waterfall of the big decorated Lang Kao(drain).
Photo taken using DH10P Hi-MD Audio Player with integrated 1.3MP camera.

The "SMART" Bus Driver
During her return journey, she paid student's fare in coins, but the bus driver refused to let her go. "Prove that you are student! Show me your student ez-link card!" he bloomed. He forced her to pay the adult fare unless she can produce an ez-link card.
My girlfriend was in her school uniform.
I see various Ah Sohs (housewives) using their child's ez-link card to take LRT and MRT. But thinking that my GF is an adult and want to pay less by purposely wearing a school uniform?
The bus driver is seriously smart.
Astounded me beyond words.
To Wee Wee
Derek's point was regarding how Singaporeans over 40 years of age have difficulties finding employment. By using "survival of the fittest" as a counter argument to Derek's point, Shu Min was trying to imply that those who are over 40 are in fact too "old" or "unfit" to survive. Henceforth, they couldn't get a job, and its their own problem for being "old" or "unfit".
Her father, MP of AMK stood by her words. "[People are unable] to take the brutal truth and strong language," he said.
He supported the idea that it is indeed "survival of the fittest" in this society. To put it more crudely, he was trying to say that people over 40 are useless and therefore jobless, and that people cannot take this brutal truth. I look at MM Lee. He is still useful and actively serving Singapore at the age of 83. Of course people won't agree with Shu Wee that people over 40 are useless!
While the general government message regarding our aging population was to help them find employment and such, Shu Min and his dad were there whacking at people over 40.
I am very afraid Indeed. 22 years before I reach 40. I need to save up for my emigration to Switzerland.
Donations, anyone?
Essay: Life will kick you in the balls
To Wee Wee
Shu Min's Dad made an "Apology"
Wee Shu Min in the News!
Wee Shu Min's Apology
The Original Entry
Shu Min's dad makes an "Apology"
Wee Siew Kim apologises for remarks
By Ken Kwek
MP WEE Siew Kim has said sorry for remarks he and his 18-year-old daughter, Shu Min, made about Singaporeans who worry about jobs.
In a statement issued to The Straits Times last night, he apologised for the comments he made in an earlier interview on his daughter's criticism of another blogger, Mr Derek Wee, 35, on her Internet journal.
'We both apologise to the people whom we have offended, and especially Mr Derek Wee,' the MP said.
Miss Wee, a Raffles Junior College (RJC) student, had last week called Mr Derek Wee 'old' and 'undermotivated' after he wrote in his blog that the Government should try to be more understanding of Singaporeans' employment woes.
Many on the Internet slammed her for her remarks. She subsequently shut down her blog and was later counselled by her tutor at RJC.
In an interview with The Straits Times published on Tuesday, her father tried to smooth things over by acknowledging that she had used insensitive language.
However, he said he stood by his daughter's 'basic point', saying well-educated Singaporeans such as Mr Derek Wee should 'get on with the challenges in life' rather than complain to the Government about them. 'I think if you cut through the insensitivity of the language, her basic point is reasonable*,' he had said.
'Some people cannot take the brutal truth and that sort of language, so she ought to learn from it,' he added.
The MP's comments drew further criticism, especially online.
Yesterday, in his apology, he said: 'I should not have said what I did about people's inability to take the brutal truth and strong language.**'
*What if the "challenges in life" were beyond what certain groups of people in Singapore could handle?
**What should you have said instead? It is of course easy to regret whatever you said because it caused a backlash against yourself. Saying something, and then saying that you regret what you said earlier, is akin to not saying anything at all.
His complete "apology":
'I AM sorry that my statements carried in The Straits Times of Oct 24 offended some readers.
I should not have said what I did about people's inability to take the brutal truth and strong language.
I have also counselled my daughter Shu Min. She is fully aware and remorseful over her tone, insensitivity and lack of empathy.
I have advised her to learn from this.
We both apologise to the people whom we have offended, and especially Mr Derek Wee.'
Seriously, making a half-hearted statement like that will only draw more fire.
How come Gomez apologise cannot, he apologise can?
Essay: Life will kick you in the balls
To Wee Wee
Shu Min's Dad made an "Apology"
Wee Shu Min in the News!
Wee Shu Min's Apology
The Original Entry
Revision for Today
- Object Orientated Programming
- Physics Topic 12 (60%)
- Maths 2003 Paper 1
- Physics Topic 13
- Physics Topic 14
- Physics Topic 15
- Physics Topic 16
- Physics Topic 17
- Physics Topic 18
- Physics Topic 19
- Physics Topic 20
- Physics Topic 21
- Physics Topic 22
- Physics Topic 23
- Physics Topic 24
- Physics Topic 25
- Physics Topic 26
- Physics Topic 27
- Physics Topic 28
- Physics Topic 29
- Physics Topic 30
- Physics Topic 31
- Physics Topic 32
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
- A Level 2002 Maths Paper 1
- Computing OS
- Computer Architecture
- Physics Topic 1
- Physics Topic 2
- Physics Topic 3
- Physics Topic 4
- Physics Topic 5
- Physics Topic 6
- Physics Topic 7
- Physics Topic 8
- Physics Topic 9
- Physics Topic 10
- Physics Topic 11
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Revision for Today
- Computer Architecture
- Physics Topic 8 (67%)
- Physics Topic 9
- Physics Topic 10
- Physics Topic 11
- Physics Topic 12
- Maths 2003 Paper 1
- Physics Topic 13
- Physics Topic 14
- Physics Topic 15
- Physics Topic 16
- Physics Topic 17
- Physics Topic 18
- Physics Topic 19
- Physics Topic 20
- Physics Topic 21
- Physics Topic 22
- Physics Topic 23
- Physics Topic 24
- Physics Topic 25
- Physics Topic 26
- Physics Topic 27
- Physics Topic 28
- Physics Topic 29
- Physics Topic 30
- Physics Topic 31
- Physics Topic 32
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
- A Level 2002 Maths Paper 1
- Computing OS
- Physics Topic 1
- Physics Topic 2
- Physics Topic 3
- Physics Topic 4
- Physics Topic 5
- Physics Topic 6
- Physics Topic 7
The traffic that won't stop
Earliest Mention of The Wicked Slogan
Think without the box.
Initially, I thought the above quote which I usd the slogan of my game, The Wicked was gotten from the msn nickname of Poh Wei, my buddy for many years.
Today, while I was browsing my older blog entries and laughing at myself, I stumbled across this entry:
Read the last few lines.
Seems like I've been surrounded by the same few quotes over and over again in my life -.-"
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Elvin's Disappearing Act
When I saw him on msn, and asked him to play Gunz with me, he agreed after much persuasion, and instantly logged off and disappeared.
When me and zombie ask him to come online at 11pm to Gunz, he would agree, and when the time comes, he never appears. When we call his HP, it will be either off or he never pick it up.
Good luck mugger for your lying and dishonest attitudes.
Elvin is working damn hard towards his bright future, and being the next "elite" of our nation.
Isn't it weird that most "elites" (should I even call him one?) has such strange personality?
Revision for Today
- Computer Architecture
- Physics Topic 6
- Physics Topic 8
- Physics Topic 9
- Physics Topic 10
- Physics Topic 11
- Physics Topic 12
- Physics Topic 13
- Physics Topic 14
- Physics Topic 15
- Physics Topic 16
- Physics Topic 17
- Physics Topic 18
- Physics Topic 19
- Physics Topic 20
- Physics Topic 21
- Physics Topic 22
- Physics Topic 23
- Physics Topic 24
- Physics Topic 25
- Physics Topic 26
- Physics Topic 27
- Physics Topic 28
- Physics Topic 29
- Physics Topic 30
- Physics Topic 31
- Physics Topic 32
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
- A Level 2002 Maths Paper 1
- Computing OS
- Physics Topic 1
- Physics Topic 2
- Physics Topic 3
- Physics Topic 4
- Physics Topic 5
Photos on the go
Wee Shu Min in the news!
Teen blogger counselled for her 'elitist' remarks
By Ken Kwek
A TEENAGE blogger has found herself in the soup after comments she made in her online journal were criticised by many Internet users for being insensitive and elitist.
Raffles Junior College student Wee Shu Min, a daughter of MP Wee Siew Kim, sparked a heated debate on the Internet when she derided another blogger, Mr Derek Wee, for his views on the anxieties of Singapore workers.
Both Miss Wee's father and the principal of RJC told The Straits Times yesterday that she had been counselled for using insensitive language.*
Miss Wee, a second-year student on RJC's Humanities Scholarship Programme, has since shut down her blog and apologised for her comments, though not directly to Mr Derek Wee.
Mr Wee, 35, a Singaporean who works for a multinational corporation, had written in his blog on Oct 12 that he was concerned about competition from foreign talent and the lack of job opportunities for older workers here.
He urged the Government to understand Singaporeans' plight.
Last Thursday, Miss Wee responded to him on her blog, calling him old and unmotivated and said he was overly reliant on the Government.
In dismissing his views, she wrote:
'Derek, Derek, Derek darling, how can you expect to have an iron rice bowl or a solid future if you cannot spell?
'There's no point in lambasting the Government for making our society one that is, I quote, 'far too survival of the fittest'... If uncertainty of success offends you so much, you will certainly be poor and miserable.'
She concluded by telling Mr Wee to 'get out of my elite uncaring face'
Her attack was criticised by hundreds of Internet users, who accused her of being elitist, naive and insensitive to the lives of Singaporeans from humbler backgrounds.
Though she has shut down her blog, her entry has been replicated on many websites and the issue is hotly debated.
Technorati, a website that tracks the activity of blogs, yesterday listed 'Wee Shu Min' as its third most frequent search term.
Mr Wee Siew Kim said he stood by his daughter's 'basic point', but added: 'As a parent, I may not have inculcated the appropriate level of sensitivity, but she has learnt a lesson.'In his statement, RJC principal Winston Hodge said:
'We are disappointed with Wee Shu Min's comments on Mr Derek Wee's posting on the Web. 'We have counselled Shu Min and have conveyed to her the importance of sensitivity and empathy, qualities that she should have exercised in her response to Mr Wee.
'We are confident that she has learnt from this experience and will be the wiser for it.'
A lesson learnt, says MP and dad Wee Siew Kim
'WHAT she said did come across as insensitive. The language was stronger than what most people could take.
But she wrote in a private blog and I feel that her privacy has been violated. After all, they were the rantings of an 18-year-old among friends.
I think if you cut through the insensitivity of the language, her basic point is reasonable, that is, that a well-educated university graduate who works for a multinational company should not be bemoaning about the Government and get on with the challenges in life.
Nonetheless, I have counselled her to learn from it. Some people cannot take the brutal truth and that sort of language, so she ought to learn from it.
In our current desire to encourage more debate, especially through the Internet, our comments must be tempered with sensitivity.
I will not gag her, since she's 18 and should be able to stand by what she says.
The new media of the Internet is such that if you don't like what she has said, you have the right of rebuttal.
Hopefully, after the discussion, everyone will be the richer for it. As a parent, I may not have inculcated the appropriate level of sensitivity, but she has learnt a lesson, and it's good that she has learnt it at such an early stage in life.'
*I know her language is wrong, but what about her thinking? Don't just work on the appearance!
Essay: Life will kick you in the balls
To Wee Wee
Shu Min's Dad made an "Apology"
Wee Shu Min in the News!
Wee Shu Min's Apology
The Original Entry
Wee Shu Min's Apology

Essay: Life will kick you in the balls
To Wee Wee
Shu Min's Dad made an "Apology"
Wee Shu Min in the News!
Wee Shu Min's Apology
The Original Entry
Today is Public Holiday
I shall also bring attention to the blog belonging to my beloved classmate, Elvin.
I know he blogs like a girl, and a tad illogically, but just put up with it, yeah?
Yesterday James sent me the introduction paragraph for the GP Essay: Food has become a health hazard. Discuss.
His introduction goes something like this:
Human needs food to survive. Indeed, food affect humans directly. Therefore, scientist had began researching in the field of food science. However, this problem is intensified by pollution and global warming. "Food has become a health hazard." Indeed this statement is true to a large extend. However, this is debatable due to the increased in interest in organic food.
The above is NOT a direct quotation of what he wrote. I only took out his key ideas (and the abrupt change of it) and cut away with the flowery words.
I haven't written anything for long, so I offered to make some modifications.
To us, food had moved beyond being just a necessity. There is a popular Chinese saying, “You are what you eat”. Indeed, it was scientifically proven that we are directed affected by the food we consume. Yet, most food suppliers, in order to harvest large profit had inevitably substituted many the ingredients with artificial ones, and added chemical preservatives to prolong shelf-life. These artificial ingredients and chemical preservative often have side effects that has adverse impact our health. Added to this, is the flooding of genetically modified food into the market. The consequences of consuming such food had not yet been fully comprehended. Pollution also contaminates our food sources. ‘Food has become a health hazard.’ Indeed, to a large extend, this statement is true. However, with the public gradually waking to the notion organic health food, the above statement may be debatable.
Not the best introduction, but with my vocabulary less extensive than James and those fellow visitors commenting on the Shu Min issue on my blog, this is the best I can manage.
Cheers to another day of mugging.
After all, this is the second week I mug in two years.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Smarts of AJC
During the 10 weeks leading to prelim, my maths teacher would throw us a worksheet with 10~16 questions from all topics specially selected from past years prelim papers to do weekly. Other subjects also placed great emphasis on preparing us for the prelims by providing us with question of prelim standard.
Without doubt, even a slacker like me could do moderately well for the prelims, for we were well prepared. Then when O Level was approaching, we were drilled extensively in O Level type questions and also doing tonnes of TYS.
In AJC, strange things happened.
In days leading to the prelim, we were given little or no additional practices. Most of them were from the TYS, so we worked on A Level type questions. No doubt, not everyone can do well for the prelims. In fact, results of many students who used to be strong academically were screwed up. The school did not play an active role in providing students proper guidance and resources to prepare for the prelims.
Now after prelims, we were given tonnes of prelim papers from other JCs. There are only so few past years A Level paper to practice on, and not all subjects provide students with the 2005 paper.
No doubt, if I follow AJC's way of doing things, my results are going to get screwed badly.
Hence the need for Self Directed Learning. Something that students of AJC fall on whenever the school could not fulfill its own role.
Needless to say, AJC takes pride in asking students to do their own SDL.
I can never love AJC enough.

Very fun. Useful for when I am sian of revision.

Photo Essay: Neighborhood Walk

Took a leisurely walk through the neighborhood today to enjoy the "fresh air", and to observe and capture things around me that I see everyday, but didn't really pay attention to.
View the Photo Gallery
Photos taken using DH10P Hi-MD Audio Player with 1.3MP Integrated Camera.
Images compressed to 1/10 of the original file size and 1/2 the original resolution.
Went Suntec

Went out today for some fresh air (oh what pun!) after being sianzified by studying at home.

The above photos were taken on my DH10P Hi-MD Audio Player with integrated 1.3MP camera. Nice?
Revision for Today
-Computing OS (20%)
- Physics Topic 4
- Physics Topic 5
- Physics Topic 6
- A Level 2002 Maths Paper 1 (50%)
- Physics Topic 8
- Physics Topic 9
- Physics Topic 10
- Physics Topic 11
- Physics Topic 12
- Physics Topic 13
- Physics Topic 14
- Physics Topic 15
- Physics Topic 16
- Physics Topic 17
- Physics Topic 18
- Physics Topic 19
- Physics Topic 20
- Physics Topic 21
- Physics Topic 22
- Physics Topic 23
- Physics Topic 24
- Physics Topic 25
- Physics Topic 26
- Physics Topic 27
- Physics Topic 28
- Physics Topic 29
- Physics Topic 30
- Physics Topic 31
- Physics Topic 32
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
- Physics Topic 1
- Physics Topic 2
- Physics Topic 3
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Crazy Traffic, Crazy Hits

Blue line for unique visits, orange line for page views.

Blue areas are "hot spots", places where visitors clicked their mouse on.

It seems like a lot of visitors are interested in my revision schedule. LOL!
Revision for Today
-Computing OS (20%)
- Physics Topic 4
- Physics Topic 5
- Physics Topic 6
Revision line up for today
- Physics Topic 8
- Physics Topic 9
- Physics Topic 10
- Physics Topic 11
- Physics Topic 12
- Physics Topic 13
- Physics Topic 14
- Physics Topic 15
- Physics Topic 16
- Physics Topic 17
- Physics Topic 18
- Physics Topic 19
- Physics Topic 20
- Physics Topic 21
- Physics Topic 22
- Physics Topic 23
- Physics Topic 24
- Physics Topic 25
- Physics Topic 26
- Physics Topic 27
- Physics Topic 28
- Physics Topic 29
- Physics Topic 30
- Physics Topic 31
- Physics Topic 32
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
- Physics Topic 1
- Physics Topic 2
- Physics Topic 3
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Get a life. Get a laugh.
Elephants doing what?
Elvin The Hard Drive
My generation of maths & science prodigies
Excel early in memorising and mesmerising
But wane in their twilight twenties
With unimaginative excuses for their uncreativity.
Can understand or not? Need me explain?
Hehe... Joking joking...
Friday, October 20, 2006
Revision for Today
-Physics Revision: Radioactivity(0%)
-Physics Revision: Quantum Physics(0%)
-ACJC Maths Paper 1
-HCI Computing paper 1 (60%)
-HCI 2004 Physics Paper 3 (uncompleted)
-NJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-RJC Maths Paper 1 (uncompleted)
-HCI Maths Paper 1 (70%)
-Physcis 2005 Paper 2 (50%)
-Physics 2005 Paper 3 (10%)
-RJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-TJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-VJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-Maths Revision: Stats
-Physics Revision: EMI
-Physics Revision: Radioactivity
-Physics Revision: Physics of Fluid
-Computing Process Control Tutorial
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
Singapore's Impact on Foreign Talents
Inspired by MrBrownShow.
See Photos
I'm a big shit - said Elvin the chao mugger

WTF, I've been degraded to a big shit,thanks to Elvin's (whom we lovingly call a hard drive due to his mugging abilities) stunning new feature of passing judgments.
I am deeply shocked by him, and may take more than 5 nanoseconds to recover from this.
His words do carry weight, you know?

Elvin is, simply an amazing piece high technology shit churning equipment.
Beyond hard drive. Beyond life.
Revision for Today
Revision line up for today
-Physics Revision: Quantum Physics(0%)
-ACJC Maths Paper 1
-HCI Computing paper 1 (60%)
-HCI 2004 Physics Paper 3 (uncompleted)
-NJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-RJC Maths Paper 1 (uncompleted)
-HCI Maths Paper 1 (70%)
-Physcis 2005 Paper 2 (50%)
-Physics 2005 Paper 3 (10%)
-RJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-TJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-VJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-Maths Revision: Stats
-Physics Revision: EMI
-Physics Revision: Radioactivity
-Physics Revision: Physics of Fluid
-Computing Process Control Tutorial
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Singapore's Entrepreneur
Looking Back Home
Today, being sick and tired of mugging and rescuing my remote control plane from a tree, I shall look once again at the hottest happenings in our wonderful country. First up, Mr Lee, our honorable PM.
At an appreciation event for some 2,700 IMF-World Bank volunteers last night, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said: "The foreign media had another agenda — they wanted Singapore to open up, to conform to their standards, their norms.
"Whatever line we drew, they wanted to push us, to go a little bit further. But we had to decide where the line was, and stick to it."
And wow, I am astonished by newspaper's ability to switch topic within a few lines of words.
"All the S2006 delegates knew the truth. They were impressed not just with our efficiency, but also with the pride which everyone showed, and the commitment of every staff and volunteer," said Mr Lee, who congratulated the volunteers on the success of the meetings.
Mr Lee cited some examples of those who went the extra mile, such as a chauffeur who took photos of a delegate with his own digital camera and printed them as a gift.
"One officer so impressed a foreign delegate with the quality of service that he jokingly asked if she would marry him," he said.
Whee! I want to marry too! (Jokes)
And finally, we see him speaking like Dr Chee.
Said Mr Lee: "You have shown how, at a critical moment, ordinary Singaporeans can rally together, rise to the occasion and put up an extraordinary performance."
I don't remember Dr Chee using the bolded word for this kind of things though.
Next up, we have a mini quarrel between Derek Wee and Wee Shu Min a student at RJC, daughter of Ang Mo Kio GRC MP Wee Siew Kim who was also a GEP student at RJC. Get that right. The elite of the elites.
Read Derek Wee's article.
A rather insightful piece, although much of the things mentioned, most Singaporeans already know deep down in our hearts.
There are many kinds of elites. For the sake of simplicity, I shall classify them into two main groups. The first group are the "true elites", those that "I understand that I will never understand everything" or that "Knowledge is too vast a thing to fill the chalice of my mind.", while the second group, the "false elites", are more like those that feel "Knowledge is nothing. I comprehend everything. I am a genius." and being ignorant of their own ignorance.
Having defined these two groups of elites (with quotes I made up), I shall examine an entry written on that GEPer's blog, and let you decide which group to slot her into.
mom's friend sent her some blog post by some bleeding stupid 40-year old singaporean called derek wee (WHY do all the idiots have my surname why?!) whining about how singapore is such an insecure place, how old ppl (ie, 40 and above) fear for their jobs, how the pool of foreign "talent" (dismissively chucked between inverted commas) is really a tsunami that will consume us all (no actually he didn't say that, he probably said Fouren Talern Bery Bad.), how the reason why no one wants kids is that they're a liability in this world of fragile ricebowls, how the government really needs to save us from inevitable doom but they aren't because they are stick-shoved-up-ass elites who have no idea how the world works, yadayadayadayada.
Tell me who on earth can say for sure how the world works, and for the record, does an elite know about the fragility of a rice bowl to even mention it on her blog?
i am inclined - too much, perhaps - to dismiss such people as crackpots. stupid crackpots. the sadder class. too often singaporeans - both the neighborhood poor and the red-taloned socialites - kid themselves into believing that our society, like most others, is compartmentalized by breeding. ridiculous. we are a tyranny of the capable and the clever, and the only other class is the complement.
sad derek attracted more than 50 comments praising him for his poignant views, joining him in a chorus of complaints that climax at the accusation of lack of press freedom because his all-too-true views had been rejected by the straits times forum. while i tend to gripe about how we only have one functioning newspaper too, i think the main reason for its lack of publication was that his incensed diatribe was written in pathetic little scraps that passed off as sentences, with poor spelling and no grammar.
derek, derek, derek darling, how can you expect to have an iron ricebowl or a solid future if you cannot spell?
I had been trying feverishly for the past 10 minutes, but the less-than-elite mind of mine still could not figure out how spelling affects the ability to get an iron rice bowl, except in her own dreamy view of how the world works, where everything seems to lie in the hands of spelling errors and grammar mistakes.
No doubt this girl is a high flier in terms of academic. But I guess she couldn't shake away from the world of of academic results when it comes to real life. Spelling and grammar are important when you are 18 years old and writing an essay for your teachers, but unless she felt that her life consisted of only General Paper essays, she shouldn't be that much ignorant, and much like a "stick-shoved-up-ass elite who have no idea how the world works".
if you're not good enough, life will kick you in the balls. that's just how things go. there's no point in lambasting the government for making our society one that is, i quote, "far too survival of fittest". it's the same everywhere. yes discrimination exists, and it is sad, but most of the time if people would prefer hiring other people over you, it's because they're better. it's so sad when people like old derek lament the kind of world that singapore will be if we make it so uncertain. go be friggin communist, if uncertainty of success offends you so much - you will certainly be poor and miserable. unless you are an arm-twisting commie bully, which, given your whiny middle-class undereducated penchant, i doubt.
She missed the point, totally. Derek was talking more about the age factor, and not the skill factor.
then again, it's easy for me to say. my future isn't certain but i guess right now it's a lot brighter than most people's. derek will read this and brand me as an 18-year old elite, one of the sinners who will inherit the country and run his stock to the gutter. go ahead. the world is about winners and losers. it's only sad when people who could be winners are marginalised and oppressed. is dear derek starving? has dear derek been denied an education? has dear derek been forced into child prostitution? has dear derek had his clan massacred by the government?
That type of comparison won't work. For everything, there is always something or someone worst off.
i should think not. dear derek is one of many wretched, undermotivated, overassuming leeches in our country, and in this world. one of those who would prefer to be unemployed and wax lyrical about how his myriad talents are being abandoned for the foreigner's, instead of earning a decent, stable living as a sales assistant. it's not even about being a road sweeper. these shitbags don't want anything without "manager" and a name card.
please, get out of my elite uncaring face.
Seriously, if you took your time to read Derek's letter, her response was really NAQ (not answering question) in a way.
I shall draw no conclusion as to whether she belongs to the "real elites", or the fake ones.
And I shall conclude this entry by quoting my girlfriend, "I noep also never scold people so vulgarly."
Perhaps polite treatment of others is something not taught in schools of tomorrow's elites, which explained why I did not chose RI even when I easily met the criteria for it, and instead went for The Chinese High School. What a fine choice. We were taught to behave like and become real gentlemen there. Just look at my brainchild, The Wicked, ran with help from various kind TCHS juniors!
Hot Links
The Offical Forum Thread
SgForum Thread
Inapplicable News Agency
The Two Singapores
And RJC speaks up (from various forums and blogs):
i was a top student from RJC. just graduated a few years ago. most pple that i know in RJC were just too full of themselves. they thought that since they are from RJC, they are the smartest in Singapore. unfortunately, many of my RJC frens have low EQ and common sense. most only know how to memorise and practise questions, and possess very weak critical thinking skills.
To follow up on what fellow Rafflesian, Gene, said above, I would like to emphasise that the majority of us from RJC are not like Shu Min. In fact, few of us sympathise with her current “plight” (not that she is taking it badly, she was in fact laughing and mocking at the responses on various websites). What had happened also did not surprise us because she is well known in school to have an inflated sense of superiority and low tolerance of the pedestrian and the uncultured. But please remember that one Wee Shu Min does not make RJC. The rest of us from RJC should not be impeached because of her.
I'm a classmate of Shu Min in RGS and RJC. Many of us don't know her well because she does move around in her own exclusive circle of the smart and well-connected. And yes, she is conceited, overbearing and thinks that she and her clique own the world. But, I do think some of the comments here are excessive, even unreasonable. You can fault her character and her worldview, but is there a need to descend to vulgarity?
As a Rafflesian, I am saddened that our good name has been smeared by the poison pen of one elistist female. The saddest part of this episode is that she reminds me of the remark made by newbie Michael Palmer, "Before I joined the grassroots organisation, I never knew there were poor people in developed countries". Where does the PAP find such freaks? They are no better than the Hitler Youth, and our country can only be the worse because of them.
I asked a few of my own RJC contacts about her, and everyone seems to know Shu Min directly or indirectly, which is interesting. Those RJCians I know said that Shu Min is a nice girl, and this entry on her blog was very "out of character", and should not be used to judge what sort of person she is.
Who should I believe?
Well that, is something more to add on to my knowledge of AMK, other than its nice food at AMK central, and a new pirated CD stall right outside one of the bubble tea stalls there.
Well, her blog is gone, save for this interesting entry. What can I say?
I'll throw in some comments from various forums:
Nah... she's not even in the same league as xiaxue... At least xiaxue can stand by her words. This RJC GEP student close shop run road... no standard lah...
I pity Ms Wee. She has been blessed and given the best that life and education can offer. However, she has been deprive the knowledge of humility, love of a fellow human being and thus, will probably end up successful monetary wise but fail miserably in life and marriage.
She'll probably laugh at this posting and the forumers here but that fact is that we couldn't care less. We will lend her a helping hand when she at the lowest point of her life and give her hope but till then; I hope for her sake that a miracle will happen in her life.
And so we hope...
Essay: Life will kick you in the balls
To Wee Wee
Shu Min's Dad made an "Apology"
Wee Shu Min in the News!
Wee Shu Min's Apology
The Original Entry
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Revision for Today
-Maths Revision: Complex Numbers (2%)
-Physics Revision: Quantum Physics(0%)
-HCI Computing paper 1 (60%)
-HCI 2004 Physics Paper 3 (uncompleted)
-NJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-RJC Maths Paper 1 (uncompleted)
-HCI Maths Paper 1 (70%)
-Physcis 2005 Paper 2 (50%)
-Physics 2005 Paper 3 (10%)
-RJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-TJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-VJC 2004 Physics (uncompleted)
-Maths Revision: Stats
-Physics Revision: EMI
-Physics Revision: Radioactivity
-Physics Revision: Physics of Fluid
-Computing Process Control Tutorial
-Maths Revision: APGP
-Maths Revision: 1st Order DE
-Maths Revision: Integration
-Maths Revision: Application of Integration
-Maths Revision: Trapezium Rule
-Maths Revision: Numerical Methods
-Maths Revision: Trigo
-Maths Revision: Trigo Functions
-Maths Revision: Vectors
Macro Photography
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